How could we improve RME?


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Serious question here guys, I would love to have your honest input. What could we do to make RME a better place?

I think we have a pretty solid community of great people and we do a lot of good things, but I feel like we could be doing so much more. What would you people like to see that would help strengthen the sense of community and build on the foundation that we have?

Do we need to have more local meet and greet get togethers, have dinners in certain places around Utah where we have a lot of active RME members?

How about official RME trail days?

Do we need to bring back the RME BBQ in Moab?

I'm asking because I want to see this place continually grow and improve, the problem is that we also need people that are willing to step up, help and do what they can to make this a better place. So in addition to your suggestions if anybody is willing to step up and help, I would love to have the assistance.

What do you guys think? What steps do we need to take to get RME and our little Utah 4x4 community to the next level?


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I am down for more get-togethers. More training days. More group runs/clean-ups/activities.

However, being a planning part of the last training day, It sucks to put in so much effort only to have people not show up/show up late/etc

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Bring back the BBQ, I miss that. Doesn't have to be in Moab every year, could we move it around? Sand Hollow/Price/Delta/Logandale/etc? Happy to help if I can, say the word.


Threat Level Midnight
X2 on trail rides. I just barely installed the heavy duty battery terminals I won at the Moab BBQ years ago, been lugging those things around. I would prioritize stuff like that.

I do think social events/activities where faces and names can get put together would help the forum get to a different level. You guys that know all the cool trails have a lot of info and experience that I would love to learn from.


Well-Known Member
Twin Falls Idaho
I'm unlikely to make it down for a BBQ/meet up, but I'd probably buy a sweat/T-shirt, a hat, and maybe some stickers. So some "swag" would be my suggestion.
Those things don't really help the forum, but it could increase the traffic. It seems like there are 20-30(?) regulars on here and a bunch of lurkers. I almost never contribute anything positive to the community, but I am on here MANY times every day!


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'd like to get paid for the intellectual property I spew onto this forum.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I would love to participate in more trail repairs/service projects that are organized. I am not a member of an offroad club, but RME is one of the sites i frequent often and try to participate in projects when i see them pop up.

Organized Trail rides are fun too. I can't always attend, but i have enjoyed the ones i have been to.

Meet N Greets are good, but depending on frequency and location may be well attended, or the same ten people show up...

I like the swag idea too.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I think a good idea would be to create a "committee" of sorts to create a rough schedule of the years events. This would help to raise awareness of what's already happening out there, and it would allow us to fill in the gaps. I think more people could attend bbqs, trail rides, trainings, etc if they could see a formal calendar of events for the year. I know it would be hard to pin down solid dates that far out, but they could be slated to happen as the "monthly activity".

I love RME and I try to contribute as much as I can. Unfortunately I'm not diligent about taking pictures or writing trip reports like I should.

Maybe make an incentive plan for high quality trip reports or articles people write that create more traffic. I'll bet all it would take is some swag to encourage more thorough write ups.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
It seem like back in the day we had more opportunities to service projects and that is where I met most of the old timers. :D I remember me and Bryson wandering around the desert at 5 mile picking up trash... :) Or hoping in the back of Shawn's landcruiser with Kurt to help pull a rodeo out of Constrictor... Good times...

Anyways, the combination of the opportunity to do good with an awesome forum to support and publicize responsible 4 wheeling through trail reports could bring more visitors!

Just thinking/rambling out loud...


How about two RME winte rides in case I get hurt and miss one of them. bummed out I missed one of the funnest riding weekends of the year.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
It seem like back in the day we had more opportunities to service projects and that is where I met most of the old timers. :D I remember me and Bryson wandering around the desert at 5 mile picking up trash... :) Or hoping in the back of Shawn's landcruiser with Kurt to help pull a rodeo out of Constrictor... Good times....

Not pointing fingers, but the past couple RME service projects I've attended haven't been stellar in terms of turnout. Just like the QTD, there's not a huge amount incentive for people to organize these things if nobody is going to show up.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Not pointing fingers, but the past couple RME service projects I've attended haven't been stellar in terms of turnout. Just like the QTD, there's not a huge amount incentive for people to organize these things if nobody is going to show up.

Thinking back on things, I don't remember any huge turn outs either. Just a couple of guys/families here and there trying to do the right thing.

Stars really have to align to get everyone at same place at the same time.

Any excuse to get together will help build the community, but speaking for myself it's more motivation to go help the big picture (service project) than just hanging out eating wings.

Granted this is coming from the eternally single guy who now has 4 kids.(I have been around a while) Now I see a service project as an opportunity to help my kids understand what it means to give back.