how on earth?


No Ogden
My brother in law lost a canoe out of the back of a truck. It hit the shell so hard it almost tore it off. He came home and didn't realize anything was missing until he got a phone call from a Good Samaritan. The number was written on the side of the canoe. The scary part is that he is now a Dr.


Active Member
if you are so old that when you stop to get fuel you dont notice that a pretty good sized SUV is missing on the trailer that your pulling ( since most fuel doors are towards the back of the vehicle) then i would say its safe to assume that you dont need to be driving anywhere anymore


Boise Idaho
Then there is the car being towed by a motorhome. Car has a blowout and the drivers continue driving through Idaho setting fires.

this thread reminds of the when I moved to Utah. was coming down past bountiful when I looked in the rearview and saw my trailer tire coming apart. big chunks of rubber pepper the dude in the car passing me. Did he even look at me to signal there was something amiss. nope he just stared straight ahead like a DB. :)

I think part of the blame for that lays with people he shared the road with. Did they try to signal them to stop and pull over? I communicated with a lady the other day who had an almost flat tire. she had no idea. a blow out could be fatal.


Well-Known Member
your worst fear comes true, pull into the Hotel parking lot in Moab, and your crawler is not on the trailer, oh shit!

Maybe that it why i am constanly checking my load........


Well-Known Member
Some old guys I used to fish with a lot a long, long time ago, pulled into camp at Fish Lake one morning and realized their boat (trailer and all) wasn't behind the truck anymore. Found it all the way back down the hill by the turn off to Koosharem. Luckily, it was just fine, too.

Going to Currant Creek once, on the old dirt road, my buddy driving and towing my boat, we notice my boat passing us. Tim herded it into the side of the hill and nothing but cosmetic damage to both truck and boat.



Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
I had a 22' deck boat come off the ball once.
The safety chains did what they are supposed to do, but the trailer dropped onto spare tire and ground the side off of it.


Totally Awesome
When I was working in a oil field in Wyoming during collage I routinely towed a bob cat behind my 1 ton Dodge truck.

I had a helper with me one day who got out to hook up the trailer. He didn't check the ball size. He had a 2" ball on the back. The trailer was 2 5/16". a little bit down the road I noticed the trailer was making a lot of noise and didn't feel right. so i pulled over and asked if the kid had changed the ball.

"What? No, I didn't."

So I get out grab the right ball and make him jack up the trailer and switch the ball.

Then a month later the same dude is working with me again. Same scenario, doesn't check the ball size and hooks up a big dump trailer for me. We loaded the trailer with a couple tons of concrete and haul it off to the dump. As I'm beginning to dump the load, the trailer hitch pops off and the only thing keeping it from going any higher are the safety chains. At this point, I'm a bit angry and tell him to unload the trailer by hand. I switched the ball and after the kid unloaded all the concrete by hand, the trailer comes back down on the ball.

It seems after that he learned his lesson. An hour of unloading the concrete left an impression on his brain.


Active Member
West Point
I had a similar thing happen towing my TJ with the Motorhome. Except I lost the hole wheel and if it wasn't for the wife following me and jumping on the CB to let me know I may have towed it for who knows how long. I ended up replacing the brake drum cause it was ground down a bit by the time I pulled over and stopped.

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