Interesting idea for EJS 2007

Can you explain to me what exactly the "Mud Fund" is?

The "MUD FUND" is the "Multiple Use Defense Fund" that RR4W maintains to support their efforts to protect trails in the Moab area. In the last year, $40K was spent to protect the Strike Ravine trail from a land owner who was attempting to close the trail illegally. It costs a lot of money to keep those trails open, and RR4W can use any monetary help we can provide.


Well-Known Member
Everyone can donate to RR4W through U4WDA's donation page. Use the paypal buttons at the bottom and put "RR4W MUD FUND" in the comment box. 100% of the money will be sent to RR4W. So there you go. Quick and painless way to donate via paypal. Donate away! Let's help RR4W keep Moab open!

Steve, just so you know it doesn't bring up a comment box for the donation page, but I made the donation just the same. RR4W and U4WDA are fighting for the same cause.
I went ahead and paid a bit more, that should more than cover the Pay-Pal fees.


Registered User
Sunset, UT
Sorry it's late and the battery on the laptop is going down so, I don't have time to read all seven pages. I don't know if somebody already stated it but by sat, the 7th I will have done enough wheelin' for awhile. I will buy many construction bags and be out at P.Salad Hill at about 4:30 or 5. Anybody is welcome to come out and help. Even if people are out there still making a mess after I'm out there, it'll still be cleaner.


opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
Caught this one a bit late...

All I'm going to say is: It's too bad the ones with closed minds are also the ones with open mouths.

I want to help, but don't quite know where to start. If it means joining every 4x4 club in Utah then sign me up. I'll do what I can to help.


If you do decide to join the Wasatch Outlaws........part of your dues goes to sign you up for U4WDA. Just so you know :greg:


web wheeler
i have not read the entire thread so this may have been said. i think they should close potato salad hill and dump bump and put a stop to crusing main. they will eventually get rid of the "spring break" type witch in my peronal oppinion is who is causing the problems.


Giver of bad advice
I've never been to Moab, just recently moved to Utah, but hope to someday. I've read in nearly every magazine that covers EJS complain about the springbreakers. So, they will eventually move on to another location when they are made to feel unwelcome.


Way to go Dan. Like has been said, it's not the EJS participants that are the problem, it's the spring breakers. But that is also part of what the week has evolved into. Education and diligence is working and will eventually help and I don't think the problems should be ignored.


Cedar Hills
Welcome to Utah Roger.
Moab is a great time any month of the year. July and August are hot- but that's what the lights on our rigs are for!

We just need to police ourselves a little and be an extra set of eyes and ears on the trail and give a gentle reminder when we see bad behavior to those FEW who give the rest of us a black eye.

Those reading this thread are not the problem.
Hats off to you guys!



Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
OK guys... time to act. :D

If you'll remember last years EJS, Jeff Knoll orchestrated an excellent cleanup of the Potato Salad hill. He challenged people to participate in the event & had a turnout that impressed many people who were against our hobby and made an great impact in Moab that's never been made before.

Here's his original reason why he did this-

Jeff Knoll said:
Moab EJS Challenge

Last year while attending EJS, the Moab paper ran an article about a local Green activist that was picking up the trash of the bad 4 wheelers every morning during EJS. She had been cleaning up the trash left behind at potato salad hill. With EJS just around the corner we again started talking about last year’s story in the paper.
My family and I have made the commitment to be at potato salad hill at sun up on at least one day during safari.

He had every aspect of cleaning the area up covered each day; dumpsters, clean-up crews, garbage bags, etc. The challenge brought out the best in people and received a lot of commendation from the local BLM office and changed the reputation of the 4 Wheeling community.

After contacting Jeff and asking if he will be able to run the event again this year, he said he wouldn't be able to attend EJS and has turned this clean-up over to us here on RME. :eek:

We have 2 goals-

#1- Raise enough money for a dumpster & 3 toilets at Potato Salad hill. Cost- $1800 for 10 days.

#2- Have volunteers at Potato Salad hill each morning, picking up & disposing of trash. We'll need 8 groups, one for each day of the EJS. Dates will be April 8th thru the 16th.

We're working on the details of this, but I could really use some help running this, as well as people who are willing to clean up PHS each morning. Post up & lets hear what you guys are willing to do! I'll work on a way of gathering donations & we'll set up an official place to schedule who will be cleaning on what days.