King's Peak


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I am planning to climb King's Peak in August, and it has been too many years since I have been on a multi day backpacking trip. What do the avid backpackers consider essentials for comfort, without packing a 50lb pack?

Any pointers from those on here that have done Kings Peak?


Registered User
Last time I tried, got blocked by snow coming up Anderson Pass.

But, as far as comfort, a decent pad and food seems to make the most difference.
I haven't done Kings peak, but I'll add to Houndoc's decent pad and food, enough clothes, but just enough clothes, so you are pretty much wearing everything you have at the coldest point you expect. Add rain gear if any chance of needing it. As far as weight, you can usually save the most weight by spending money on a good tent, bag, and pad.


Registered User
Good point on the rain. Our Kings attempt came with rain every day. Some of it pretty long and heavy (we went the last week of July.) Temps were never bad- I don't recall needing anything warmer than a hoodie- but it has been a few years so I could have forgotten a detail or two.


Active Member
I hunt the high country far east of there still in the high uintahs, (along the high line trail) and 2 years ago weekend of august 15th we got completely snowed out and I gave a guy trying to hike the highline trail a ride back into town so he could catch a grey hound bus. Be prepared for snow and rain but lots of heat too.....

High uintahs have a mood like a woman.