NPLD 2008! Saturday, Sept 27th


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
National Public Lands Day is around the corner and like the past years the members of Rocky Mountain Extreme will be focusing on the 5 Mile Pass area.

National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve and enhance the public lands Americans enjoy. 2007, 110,000 volunteers built trails and bridges, planted trees and plants, and removed trash and invasive plants. Join us for the 15th annual National Public Lands Day. NPLD website.

5 Mile Pass is a very large area with access all over the land. It sees a lot of use being so close to the highly-populated areas of Utah and sadly some folks think it's a better alternative for trash than the local dump. We will be cleaning up as much as the land as possible, our goal each year has been to fill the huge dumpster to the top! The BLM will provide us with a large dumpster & specific locations that need to be cleaned up. We need 20-25 people and 5+ vehicles for hauling trash bags.

This is important! Safety First! Wear pants, boots and bring some work gloves. Come prepared to work! I'd also recommend packing a lunch, snacks & water/drinks.

Those that are interested in bring their rigs are encouraged, there will be plenty of time for a Rattlesnake-Constrictor trail run afterwards. :D

Date: Saturday, Sept. 27th, 2008
Meeting Location: Main parking area of 5 Mile Pass, North of the road.
Meeting Time: 9 am
Cleanup time frame: Should be done by 1-2 pm.
Trash Bags will be provided!

Here's a map pin-pointing the meeting area- NPLD 2008 @ 5MP on Google Maps

We need volunteers to help!! Please come join us, give back a few hours of your time & help make the areas we love, better for all to enjoy! Will you be there?!

(I'll be coming up from Colorado... if I can make it you can too. ;) )


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
I will plan on it!! I havent been to one of these (always been working) so I would like to come!:greg:


Registered User
Ill be there, first time for me. Ive got access to a truck, assuming you want me to bring it? what else do i need to bring? count me in for the trail ride after, although just rattlesnake for me, the old tj needs a lot more work to make constrictor:D
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Provo, Utah.
Working on bringing my Scrambler, can do trash bags in the back. Gotta get out and support.
I'm stoked on Rattlesnake! I noticed looking at Meat's map. Thanks by the way for those. I realized that I've always missed the Ratt. trailhead.

I'm curious if there is anyone who wouldn't mind a ride-along for constrictor-Not sure if I want to turn my project into an all out crawler or street legal rig??? Will bring soda and food- Just throwing it out there.