Orem cops are retards.


West Jordan
spencurai said:
So here is a story for you guys.

" I was hauling ass in the fast lane."

...........SLOW DOWN!!! It would have avoided the whole situation. When Im in the old CJ I fear for my safety every time I get on the freeway. The speeds have gotten out of control.. and getting worse.


Vanilla Gorilla
chevtech said:
Speeding is a crime. Therefore you are a criminal.

That is all.

hey look, it is the little troll chevtech fishing to get into another debate...aww how cute is that?

Hey chevtech...we are gonna upgrade you to the title of debate master...so that makes you a master...debater.

But you wouldn't want to argue with me...I am a lowley criminal with my speeding addiction and all...again...you need to get on that reading comprehension pal. :rofl:

GIS for a "Liberal Troll"....go figure :confused: :confused:



Registered User
The thing that interests me most is how certain people seem to have been chosen by God to be able to choose and discern between which LAWS he/she feels are more important! Then, when other people, also having been commissioned by God with this almight power, disagree with the first person, it is automatically assumed that the second almighty being is in the wrong!

As has been said before, Speed Limits are the LAW, not a suggested speed for those who cannot think for themselves. SLOW DOWN! If you don't like the Speed Limit, talk to your congressman. No sense in trying to battle it out on the road with some "gang-banger." Besides, who are you to judge on his sexual preferences?

Spence, I don't know you, never met you. You seem to be like a rather reasonable person most the time. But there are always two sides to every story. As has been said, he most likely felt you were threatening him by tailgating him. Besides, if you were in such a hurry to necessitate such excessive speeds, where did you find the time to follow him to a gas station, then for a few more miles?


West Jordan
CJJ92yj said:
Besides, who are you to judge on his sexual preferences?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I have to remember that one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BTW Spencurai. I think its great that you look for the drunks. More people should do the same. It really saves lives.


Lift Laws Suck...
I think ya should've jacked his jaw... Honestly, he seemed rather upfront with ya. If someone tailgated me and got all pissy when I tailgated them, then followed me around for a few blocks... I'd be beatin' on your window too! I agree the swervin' is totally uncalled for... but neither is followin' him. It looks like you could've had a fair fight n' self defense from what I can tell. How come ya didn't jump on it?


Seasoned Mall Cruiser
Next door
spencurai said:
hey look, it is the little troll chevtech fishing to get into another debate...aww how cute is that?

Hey chevtech...we are gonna upgrade you to the title of debate master...so that makes you a master...debater.

But you wouldn't want to argue with me...I am a lowley criminal with my speeding addiction and all...again...you need to get on that reading comprehension pal. :rofl:

GIS for a "Liberal Troll"....go figure :confused: :confused:


Red herrings and ad hominem attacks again I see. Why do you fear pointed logic and reason so vehemently? As per your pre-defined criteria if you break laws you are a criminal. Speeding kills people every day, speeding is illegal, and it inherently carries the ability to inflict deadly force which you may not be able to control. Vehicular manslaughter is a definite possibility should you kill others through your admitted regular criminal activities.


You admit to speeding regularly therefore you are a criminal.

Own up to your hypocrisy.


Seasoned Mall Cruiser
Next door
Klif01 said:
You sir, just used too many big words....

I like that!

wanna be my friend....do my homework...

Sure man, might actually be able to help given my automotive background (8 year dealer tech ten years overall......j/k though, I'm way to rusty....). I'll help as long as you don't give spencurai the answers.... I think he might be a cheater.


I'm in training right now to become a Snap-on dealer.....too bad you're so far away..... Good luck with school, you can make good money as a tech.

Tell John (the GM teacher, is he still there?) hi for me. And especially tell my good buddy Joe (somewhat new, young, genius GM teacher with glasses) hi from Todd Sorenson from LHM chev.
