ProSuck/Jewels new PPB Wenzel thread


Ill try a link, I think it might end up breaking some internet records on traffic.. 0ver 65,000 views in less than 24 hrs and 1400 posts.. major backfire.


Poker of the Hornets Nest

or if you just want the cliffs notes here ya go

Listen up Jackholes: I'm adding to this post since a lot of douchenozzles are jumping in and spewing their shitty two cents without reading the whole thread.

As of this edit, there are 56 pages to this train wreck. This thread has backfired in a huge way for the OP but seriously, if you need to spew more shit into it, then read the whole thread. If you do attempt to read the whole thing, then you're in for a confusing, funny, and frustrating ride.

It's ridiculous how many posts could be deleted from the thread without effecting the thread itself. "Placeholder" posts; questions asked, asked again, and then asked yet again; and numbnuts who should be banned for trying to make the OP's name show up on Google searches of his name by posting his name fifteen thousand times in one post are what you're in for if you keep reading.

Cliff's notes for those who aren't up to it:

OP asked PBB to annoy ex girlfriend by texting her to death.
OP cannot give valid reasons for this other than "she stole my gum, condoms, etc."
OP posts pic of girl for some sort of revenge.
Someone sends link to ex girlfriend.
Ex girlfriend joins to tell her side. Screen name is Jewels.
Jewels gets bombarded with requests for pics as proof that it is her.
Jewels asks how to do this, fearing that her picture and life will end up all over the internet.
Deke researches OP's background, home, job, life, internet message board posts, eating patterns, dental records, blood type, masturbatory habits, and family members. Chris gets the night off.
Jewels sends Deke a photo to prove it is her. Jewels is holding a sign that says "PBB" as proof that it is her.
Deke confirms that Jewels has proved herself real.
Because she cannot easily access the forum from her phone, Jewels cannot keep up with the skeptics who--angry that they can't see the pictures--keep demanding to see the photo. It's not a nude. It's a twenty something girl holding a sign. Blackstar skeptics do not relent.
Jewels and others get annoyed at the skeptics who are bombarding her with questions that she cannot answer quickly enough for them. Jewels is at a bar trying to drink while skeptics are interrupting this noble activity.
Jewels makes passing mention of the time the OP put her in the hospital and challenges him to explain it to the PBB. She refuses to explain the situation since to do so would make her an AW.
Jewels is then bombarded for forty pages about the proof and details of this incident, the very thing that she did not want to do because of not wanting to look like an AW.
Skeptics then accuse Jewels of being an AW because of the mention of the hospital incident.
Then twenty more pages roll on with people wanting to know where the bewbers are posted, who's going to go by Phil's (OP) house and kick his ass, why Jewels cannot access her medical records from a phone in a bar, and "hey, I just got this linked from JKO and thought I'd post and say, 'this is funny/epic/viral/full of win'".
Thread begins to die a slow death as Phil hasn't posted in twelve pages (let alone answered whether he really put Jewels in the hospital) and Jewels is getting too frustrated to answer the stupid questions from skeptics.

Cliff's Notes for the Cliff's Notes:

Boy meets girl.
Boy's name is Phil or prostock3.
Girl's name is Sandy or jewels.
It ends...badly.


Good Summery TC, but id add that the post count is starting to climb agian since ProSuck is back online, I read the whole thread and I want my four hours back.


...I just filled the cup.
I scanned the first few pages. The OP should have seen the impending fail and deleted the thread haha.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I feel so happy that my life has enough value and enjoyment in it that something like this isn't the least bit entertaining to me.


Well-Known Member
I feel so happy that my life has enough value and enjoyment in it that something like this isn't the least bit entertaining to me.
I was thinking the exact same thing. I tried to read a little of it this morning but after a couple posts, I just got bored/irritated with it. PBB is mostly the same way now as a whole anymore. Bunch of people that think they are all still in high school and because they are on PBB they are cooler/more hardcore than you. :rofl:


somewhat damaged
I was thinking the exact same thing. I tried to read a little of it this morning but after a couple posts, I just got bored/irritated with it. PBB is mostly the same way now as a whole anymore. Bunch of people that think they are all still in high school and because they are on PBB they are cooler/more hardcore than you. :rofl:

Cliffs did it for me, I never clicked over to the thread.
I'm not saying I had better things to do though... :eek: