

Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I’m not a cop but I know you might have some insight. After the first altercation on the passenger side on the car why didn’t they tase the ever loving Jesus out of him before he got to the drivers door? My Monday morning quarter backing would think some tasing would be justified in that situation.

Can’t confirm or deny but my understanding is they tried a taser it was not effective.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Go watch some YouTube videos on tasers. The corporate ones and the ones from dirt bags showing how to get out of taser-ing while the juice is running.

Tasers just aren't very effective in the real world.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
Go watch some YouTube videos on tasers. The corporate ones and the ones from dirt bags showing how to get out of taser-ing while the juice is running.

Tasers just aren't very effective in the real world.

I totally get that. Watching the videos knowing that had an altercation with him prior to him walking around the front of the car I’d have at least tried it. In this situation I support the police in doing what they have to do to go home. I also know that the cops live is never going to be the same so I look for ways to avoid the cop shooting him to protect themselves.

As long as people continue to resist the police on the side of the road this will continue to happen. can’t stress enough if you feel wronged by police comply and deal with it in court.


Well-Known Member
I just really hope the police that shot Jacob blake had body cams on to show the need for deadly force. The witness that shot the video said the police were yelling at him to drop the knife and he could see both of Jacobs hands and he could not see a knife. The same witness did confirm the police did deploy a taser on Jacob before he got back up and tried to enter his vehicle when he was shot in the back 7 times.


somewhat damaged
I just really hope the police that shot Jacob blake had body cams on to show the need for deadly force. The witness that shot the video said the police were yelling at him to drop the knife and he could see both of Jacobs hands and he could not see a knife. The same witness did confirm the police did deploy a taser on Jacob before he got back up and tried to enter his vehicle before he was shot on the back 7 times.
Ive seen the stills from a vid across (facing him) and he clearly has a knife. It’s one of those curved claw knives


Well-Known Member
Ive seen the stills from a vid across (facing him) and he clearly has a knife. It’s one of those curved claw knives
I’ve seen those stills also. But I’ve looked closely at the video several times and can’t get the same quality images of those stills so hopefully more evidence will come out. It does look like he opened the car door with his left hand that he would have been holding the knife in. Not that it isn’t completely possible to do so seems like he would have used his open hand? it will be interesting to see body cam footage if ever released. I honestly do hope that this was justified use of deadly force. But from the videos I’m seeing I can’t see a knife.


somewhat damaged
Boogaloo's here...

You're not gonna see this on the media. Copy/pasting from other source. I don't condone or relate to any of the text below as it is stated. Just reposting what was compiled from another user on a different forum. I'm pissed. These people didn't have to lose their lives or get shot, but play stupid games win stupid prizes. Do not come to an armed neighborhood thinking you can just loot and burn.

NSFW, real blood/gore. Don't watch the videos if you can't handle it.

All 4 shootings justified if you have any logic in your head.


Sheriffs on this video profusely THANK the shooter (Kyle Rittonhouse, age 17 from Antioch, Illinois) for his service protecting that corner, and Sheriffs on this video even give Kyle Rittonhouse cold bottle of water after offering it to him in appreciation for him using his rifle to watch out for Antifa after curfew! WATCH!:
60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"
Details for people just logging into voat and waking up on the 4 Antifa shot each trying to assault an armed patriot 17 year old:
Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central time
BULLET HEAD SHOT!! Video showing BEFORE AND AFTER head shot of Antifa , Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central Time
Antifa dying thug first recently threw large bricks and lit molotovs at armed guard Patriot White Boogaloo (Kyle Rittonhouse)!
a third angle of first scene : showing ARMED antifa mob surrounding white rifleman Kyle Rittonhouse on all sides :
before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molotov cocktail then kept chasing:
THREE MORE SOY BOYS SHOT by the same rifle!!!:
arm vaporized:
arm vaporized aftermath vid:
arm vaporized guy SHOWN WITH HIS LOADED ANTIFA gun supplied by George Soros!:
brain mulched:
Antifa thug daring Patriots to shoot :
Antifa head-shot-boy blood seen on his BACK :
Antifa head-shot-boy being loaded into car for hospital :
Oldest video before the shootings : Antifa ENRAGED at armed White Patriots with rifles :
Older video before the shootings : Antifa ignoring pleas of armed White Patriots with rifles :
Older video before the shootings : BLM /Antifa throwing rocks at armed white homeowners with laser sighted rifles!:
Play by play of the three soy boys shot : :
A guy in white pants tries to kick the shooter in the face, but he has to abort because the shooter shot right where he would have been had he followed through. Someone comes in from the left side of the frame with a skateboard and is about to hit him with the skateboard when he is shot in mid-swing and his swing falters and he takes a few steps and falls face down, possibly instant fatality. Someone in shorts is charging in from the right when he sees the shooter has a bead on him and he puts up his hands. Then he sees that the shooter is working the bolt, possibly to eject a bad cartridge, and begins to dive at the shooter, who recovers and shoots the attacker, apparently in the face. The guy in shorts runs off back the way he came, yelling "Medic!" Then after that it's hard to tell who is shooting, but there is definitely some sort of crossfire. At the end you see a cop in a firing stance moving towards where the shooting occurred
Kyle Rittonhouse's fifteen year old looking face in still image (17yo according to reports) :
fifteen year old looking face in moving image saying "I Just Shot Someone" then fleeing :
(yes, the Boogaloo kid brought a turned on cellphone spy tracking device into a riot zone! And made a call! And said "I just shot somebody" upon the call)
Kyle Rittonhouse according to Antifa and Democrat Party operatives with face searching access:
Democrat Party operatives now say Kyle Rittonhouse calls himself Kyle Lewis online, and is 17, and from Antioch, Illinois.
Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse), age 17 was the rifleman who shot the 4 attackers!
If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, SCOTUS recent rulings may force him to be let go at age 21, no matter what the original sentence.
If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, it is doubtful his political education and leanings extend past center-right Boogaloo chaos lords.
Boogaloo hate Antifa, and HATE the hard-Left.
60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"
Country Sheriffs Dept give Kyle Rittonhouse bottles of cold water as reward for looking out for Antifa with his rifle. They tell him how much they appreciate Kyle Rittonhouse.
WATCH!! Its True:
If he is that young, he was hoping to shoot someone truly attacking him, and he got 4 that tried to assault him out of 4.
The Sheriffs condone it, because he was an armed volunteer citizen protecting the town.
And do not forget, for each of the 4 he shot, They attacked him FIRST.
Maybe Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse) is not the "Hero We Want, but the Hero We Need".


somewhat damaged
(((they))) want this to happen. They want us fighting each other and not paying attention to the real enemy.



Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Boogaloo's here...

You're not gonna see this on the media. Copy/pasting from other source. I don't condone or relate to any of the text below as it is stated. Just reposting what was compiled from another user on a different forum. I'm pissed. These people didn't have to lose their lives or get shot, but play stupid games win stupid prizes. Do not come to an armed neighborhood thinking you can just loot and burn.

NSFW, real blood/gore. Don't watch the videos if you can't handle it.

All 4 shootings justified if you have any logic in your head.


Sheriffs on this video profusely THANK the shooter (Kyle Rittonhouse, age 17 from Antioch, Illinois) for his service protecting that corner, and Sheriffs on this video even give Kyle Rittonhouse cold bottle of water after offering it to him in appreciation for him using his rifle to watch out for Antifa after curfew! WATCH!:
60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"
Details for people just logging into voat and waking up on the 4 Antifa shot each trying to assault an armed patriot 17 year old:
Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central time
BULLET HEAD SHOT!! Video showing BEFORE AND AFTER head shot of Antifa , Kenosha WI 2020-08-25 22:03:48 Central Time
Antifa dying thug first recently threw large bricks and lit molotovs at armed guard Patriot White Boogaloo (Kyle Rittonhouse)!
a third angle of first scene : showing ARMED antifa mob surrounding white rifleman Kyle Rittonhouse on all sides :
before head shot, antifa with head shot threw brick chunks at the 17 year old Kyle Rittonhouse, and then antifa threw this lit molotov cocktail then kept chasing:
THREE MORE SOY BOYS SHOT by the same rifle!!!:
arm vaporized:
arm vaporized aftermath vid:
arm vaporized guy SHOWN WITH HIS LOADED ANTIFA gun supplied by George Soros!:
brain mulched:
Antifa thug daring Patriots to shoot :
Antifa head-shot-boy blood seen on his BACK :
Antifa head-shot-boy being loaded into car for hospital :
Oldest video before the shootings : Antifa ENRAGED at armed White Patriots with rifles :
Older video before the shootings : Antifa ignoring pleas of armed White Patriots with rifles :
Older video before the shootings : BLM /Antifa throwing rocks at armed white homeowners with laser sighted rifles!:
Play by play of the three soy boys shot : :

Kyle Rittonhouse's fifteen year old looking face in still image (17yo according to reports) :
fifteen year old looking face in moving image saying "I Just Shot Someone" then fleeing :
(yes, the Boogaloo kid brought a turned on cellphone spy tracking device into a riot zone! And made a call! And said "I just shot somebody" upon the call)
Kyle Rittonhouse according to Antifa and Democrat Party operatives with face searching access:
Democrat Party operatives now say Kyle Rittonhouse calls himself Kyle Lewis online, and is 17, and from Antioch, Illinois.
Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse), age 17 was the rifleman who shot the 4 attackers!
If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, SCOTUS recent rulings may force him to be let go at age 21, no matter what the original sentence.
If Kyle Rittonhouse is that young, it is doubtful his political education and leanings extend past center-right Boogaloo chaos lords.
Boogaloo hate Antifa, and HATE the hard-Left.
60 minutes prior, the County Sheriffs Dept LOUDLY inform Kyle Rittonhouse that "We TRULY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS, We Really Do!"
Country Sheriffs Dept give Kyle Rittonhouse bottles of cold water as reward for looking out for Antifa with his rifle. They tell him how much they appreciate Kyle Rittonhouse.
WATCH!! Its True:
If he is that young, he was hoping to shoot someone truly attacking him, and he got 4 that tried to assault him out of 4.
The Sheriffs condone it, because he was an armed volunteer citizen protecting the town.
And do not forget, for each of the 4 he shot, They attacked him FIRST.
Maybe Kyle Lewis (Kyle Rittonhouse) is not the "Hero We Want, but the Hero We Need".

And this is how the Ministry of Truth reports it. Let’s just go ahead and leave out that he was attacked first by a skateboard to the head. 17 year old kid was in a fight for his life against an angry mob. Was his own doing by being there but I’m sure he’ll be crucified by media just to further provoke the issue.

of course the angry mob of rioters destroying the community absolutely did nothing wrong, the kid just opened fire.

“We were all chanting ‘Black lives matter’ at the gas station and then we heard, boom, boom, and I told my friend, `‘That’s not fireworks,’” 19-year-old protester Devin Scott told the Chicago Tribune. “And then this guy with this huge gun runs by us in the middle of the street and people are yelling, ‘He shot someone! He shot someone!’ And everyone is trying to fight the guy, chasing him and then he started shooting again.”



Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Honestly shocked that this is the first one, unless you count the 🤡’s that shot themselves because they are so well trained


Registered User
I see absolutely no way to defend a 17 year old with a rifle at a demonstration miles from his home shooting anyone in 'self-defense.' You can look for/cause trouble then claim self-defense.

Nor should we justify/accept police killings of civilians except as an absolute last resort when innocent life is in immediate danger. While recognizing the extremely difficult job police have, I think as a society we have become far to accepting of police shootings by using justifications of 'resisting arrest', 'not following directions' or referring to the person's past criminal convictions. None of those can Constitutionally or morally be seen as justification for killing a suspect.

The riots and damage being done need to be brought under control- no question about it. But I do not see that happening by force alone. The underlying causes need to be addressed, both those associated with race and policing.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I see absolutely no way to defend a 17 year old with a rifle at a demonstration miles from his home shooting anyone in 'self-defense.' You can look for/cause trouble then claim self-defense.

Nor should we justify/accept police killings of civilians except as an absolute last resort when innocent life is in immediate danger. While recognizing the extremely difficult job police have, I think as a society we have become far to accepting of police shootings by using justifications of 'resisting arrest', 'not following directions' or referring to the person's past criminal convictions. None of those can Constitutionally or morally be seen as justification for killing a suspect.

The riots and damage being done need to be brought under control- no question about it. But I do not see that happening by force alone. The underlying causes need to be addressed, both those associated with race and policing.

If he's a family/friend of a threatened business owner, I think he's totally within his rights to help protect another person's livelihood from the angry actions of a mob. The mob is ****ing with people's livelihood, not just demonstrating. A riot is different than a demonstration. From my non-Wisconsin seat, I see a riot from some folks while others are likely demonstrating. I can see both sides of this coin, at least a little


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I see absolutely no way to defend a 17 year old with a rifle at a demonstration miles from his home shooting anyone in 'self-defense.'

I'd say a skateboard to the head justifies self defense.
I am sure that many of the rioters are also miles from their home. If they can travel to destroy, there is no reason others can't travel to protect.