Teachers packing!!!!


Boise Idaho
Somewhere i've seen a statistic that shows many cops are shot by their own gun. If there are any cops on this board feel free to confirm or deny. Anyway if this is true how can an 'untrained' teacher (most are not, let's be honest) be expected to keep this thing or is it a disaster waiting to happen?

But honestly if i were a teacher i'd probably pack; this world is getting out of control :)


Mead, WA
it is about time, kids these days get way to many ideas of granduer from the net / media / games / and peers.

this crap has to stop.

I'm tired of hearing that the children are at fault, it's _always_ their fault. The problem is, and always will be their parents. IMHO it's about damn time the parents of these little brats get their asses kicked. It's a typical response, try to solve a problem with another problem - how about fixing the problem before it's a problem????????????? The only way I can see that happening is to take away certain peoples right to have a child. Yes, it is a right, not a priviledge. Maybe something like a drivers license... :D