ttc durango prep


6x6x6 / Commando
That exo cage looks excellent Corey!! I love how you kept it nice and "form fitting" to the body of the Durango! (notice how I chose my words so it would be more difficult for people to take that out of context!!!:rofl:)
Also those gauges are awesome!! They would go great in my Dodge and the color would match perfect!
Good luck in TTC and keep up the hard work till the end! I have faith you will make it in!


Well-Known Member
The gauges are a very nice touch! And will help finish off the build well. Corey, I hope that y'all have a safe trip out and back. Have a good time there and keep up the great work.



Well-Known Member
I was also a little bummed that Fred Williams was voted in as well. Something seems a little fishy about the way the voting went down again this year. Remember in 05 when Cappa was voted in with his Hot Dog? He also worked for a sister magazine to Four Wheeler, much like Fred does. Good luck Corey!



opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
I dont doubt they were voted in. They get to pimp there junk in 2 magazines for months! Tons of kids think the magazine guys are gods so of course they will vote for it.

It sucks a big one but its the way it is.

I just hope it shows up basically the same as it was in UA. I have a feeling its gonna show up on Rockwells and 54s. We'll see


6x6x6 / Commando
I just hope it shows up basically the same as it was in UA. I have a feeling its gonna show up on Rockwells and 54s. We'll see
Actually if you look at the Peterson's website and the blogs they are doing a pretty in depth blog about getting ready for TTC and all they are doing is trimming weight and going over the rig to make sure it runs good... I am pretty sure they will be on 39" Krawlers still according to the pictures.
I honestly don't think they have a chance at anything.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see all of the rigs when they show up. I have no doubt that some folks will keep some sort of secrets at bay until the comp. I even think Corey has been holding out on us to some degree.
