Utah House has given its OK to a bill allowing the sale of full-strength draft beer


Registered User

Associated Press - March 3, 2009 2:25 PM ET

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - The Utah House has given its OK to a bill allowing the sale of full-strength draft beer in bars and restaurants.

Currently, draft beer can contain no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, or 4% by volume.

That cap would be lifted under House Bill 349, sponsored by Rep. Curtis Oda, R-Clearfield.

Bars and restaurants are already allowed to serve full-strength beer if they buy it in bottles from the state liquor store at the same 86% markup paid by the general public.

The bill was approved in the House on Tuesday without debate 58-2. It now advances to the Senate.

On the Net:

House Bill 349: http://le.utah.gov/ 7/82009/htmdoc/hbillhtm/HB0349.htm

about time! go senate!


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
What some idiots in the legislature.....

As most of you know, I don't partake. I'm perfectly OK with people having a brew or whatnot, just be responsible. I'll even sit at the same table as someone enjoying a malted beverage (or even a mixed drink).


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I think Mbryson is being a little tongue in cheek. I know he doesn't give a rats ass if other people drink.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Wow, that is going way beyond expectations. You truly are a tolerant person. :rolleyes:

I think Mbryson is being a little tongue in cheek. I know he doesn't give a rats ass if other people drink.

Yeah, sorry that came across that way. I really don't care what people do in their own lives. They are theirs.

The Bible mentions something I try to live by.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". (definitely paraphrased, but the quote is from ***** speaking about the adulteress who was by law supposed to be stoned--nobody threw anything and the masses departed)
I've got a long way to go before I start telling people how to live.

I also feel like I've got an open enough mind to let people make their own choices about THEIR lifestyle. As long as they don't drive impaired, or affect ME with their choices. I just got back from Houston where I ate at a couple of bars. I'm secure enough with my reasons for not imbibing to eat at a bar. I have no idea why the legislative body doesn't feel the same way.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
The local pub price for a large mug reached over 7 bucks for the Micro's before I stopped going :-\ It's similar to the 50/50 mix antifreeze... Why pay about the same price for half water :D

I wish this would apply to store bought beer as well. Liqour store beer goes from the cold truck to a warm store to a cold fridge and taste wise it is no bueno imo. It's nice having Idaho 5 minutes away I guess...


one small mod at a time
also, go HB347 and to hell with HB187


Lots of legislation out there for drinkers in Utah.

Followed Cody's link....


"Valentine's bill requires a floor-to-ceiling partition, or a wall at least 10 feet tall, high enough to assure that even the offspring of Yao Ming will not be subjected to the corrupting influence of a bartender mixing a drink. Or drinks could be prepared in a back room or on another floor, as long as the process is out of sight, and out of mind.
For the record, there's no scientific evidence that the sight of cherries and olives and mixers and spirits being shaken and blended and stirred can cause a person, even an impressionable teenager, to turn into a rummy. (Of course, it's not the kind of thing that's been extensively studied; the hypothesis is simply too absurd.)
The bill would also counteract a recent Utah Supreme Court ruling which determined that merely being drunk is not a crime in Utah. If SB187 is approved, simply appearing to be drunk would be against the law."

(BOY! I am in trouble, I have literally no sense of balance.. just walking across a room I can appear drunk!)


Formerly Beardy McGee
What some idiots in the legislature.....

As most of you know, I don't partake. I'm perfectly OK with people having a brew or whatnot, just be responsible. I'll even sit at the same table as someone enjoying a malted beverage (or even a mixed drink).


I think forcing establishments to have to hide their liquor is absolutely ridiculous..

If you don't want to see the booze? Go to Wendy's, or Marie Calender's.. Shut the hell up and don't force your beliefs on others.
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