What has the outdoors taught you?


Well-Known Member
Sandy, UT
On the trip out, Dallin and I had a long discussion about if I had it in me to "Joe Simpson" out of there. I'm pretty sure I could, but I don't generally go alone at this stage in my life. For now, outdoors is another excuse to be with my teenagers. Dallin's number one favorite movie of all time is "Touching the Void" where, against all odds, Joe Simpson returns from serious backcountry accident in a crazy precarious medical situation. If you like climbing or the outdoors and haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. (warning for pretty strong language at a point where you might expect it).

X2 on touching the void, fabulous movie and a testament to Joe's desire to live and overcome the near impossible situation he was faced with. Never give up is the lesson I took from it.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I learned that all outdoors are not created equal. Some are swampy, steamy and full of infectious mosquitos. And alligators.

Kooler than Mudd.


Registered User
One reason I love taking scouts on High Adventure is helping them realize they can do just about anything. It is something that is getting pretty hard to learn elsewhere. Thanks, Dallin! Sorry for derailing the thread - carry on.

Have certainly seen that as well, for me as much as the young men.


Registered User
Patience when things don't go right.

On the first of my trips to northern Manitoba, what was supposed to be an 8 hour trip by Bombardier snow coach (60 year old beast), took 42. We got stuck repeatedly (once requiring 12+ hours of shoveling), breakdowns and other mishaps along the way. Finally reached our destination (abandoned trading post about 100 miles out of town), only to be pinned down for 2 days by an all-out Arctic blizzard. The two guys I was traveling with never flinched or cursed.

Important lesson I took from that experience- and their wilderness expertise- is that getting upset with a situation never solves a thing (my horses sometimes wish I remembered the lesson better I am sure). Quit the opposite is true. By remaining calm and focused we dealt with everything and I had a good enough experience to keep going back each winter.


By endurance we conquer
"Cheerful in any weather", that's about as high a compliment as I know how to pay a Man.



First night in greenland the wind blew down the tent and we had to run for it and spend the night shivering in a cave. As we where laying on the tent trying to roll it up I looked at my friend and we both had giant smiles on our face. I was loving every minute of it he was so excited to be experiencing the crappy weather. So many people would have been grumpy or upset. He smiled, we got the tent rolled up and he never complained. Can't ask for a better quality in an adventure companion.

In my opinion, you have arrived as an outdoorsman when you can enjoy things that bring the suck for most people. I need to do better with this.


Registered User

First night in greenland the wind blew down the tent and we had to run for it and spend the night shivering in a cave. As we where laying on the tent trying to roll it up I looked at my friend and we both had giant smiles on our face. I was loving every minute of it he was so excited to be experiencing the crappy weather. So many people would have been grumpy or upset. He smiled, we got the tent rolled up and he never complained. Can't ask for a better quality in an adventure companion.

In my opinion, you have arrived as an outdoorsman when you can enjoy things that bring the suck for most people. I need to do better with this.

Sounds like my type of trip.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I thought about this a couple of times last weekend. While looking at as clear and star infested sky as I have ever witnessed I thought, this is how we were designed, and created to live. While we were hiking up some steep slopes my eleven year old stopped for a rest and said, "it's peaceful up here Dad, I like it" It got me thinking about how distracted we all are, and how peace is what we should be striving for, even if it's a weekend replenishment kind of thing.


Registered User
A campfire at night is better than a TV.

"Bad" coffee by a campfire when the sun is just coming up tastes far better than a latte from Starbucks.