Where is this? The game...


Active Member
If it's not off The Flats Road then all I can think of is the Tantalus Creek trail running between Boulder Mtn/Hy 12 and Capitol Reef NP or Strike Valley Overlook trail but I don't think it is them. This looks so familiar but its been a few years since I've been over in that area.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
If it's not off The Flats Road then all I can think of is the Tantalus Creek trail running between Boulder Mtn/Hy 12 and Capitol Reef NP or Strike Valley Overlook trail but I don't think it is them. This looks so familiar but its been a few years since I've been over in that area.

You have all of the right parts of the name. Its the Tantalus Flats road just before it drops into Tantalus Creek. This road connects into the South Draw 4X4 road which goes into Capital Reef and connects to the scenic drive road. Very scenic ride that isn't super difficult unless it is wet. Its your turn now.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I don't have a ton on this computer, but if we're keeping it Utah, we can start with something kind of easy...



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
somewhere in the swell :)

Might was well say "somewhere in Utah" ;)

Near Swasey cabin?


Ghost Rock/Little Ghost Rock area near I70 maybe?

Umm, I don't know? I don't know the name of the rock, just the road. I'll have to look at a map to see if it has a name.

Locomotive Point

I'm pretty sure no, but again, I don't know the name of the feature.

Isn't that the road the goes up to lone warrior?

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