Plus Stan just getting one doesnt help :greg:
Ask Stan how well that big ol' truck did. I would put money on his old tow rig pulling circles around his new one. Stan's problem was weight. It had nothing to do with the Dodge dually pulling or handling the load. Any medium truck is kind of already behind the que ball. They have the exact same motor as any other 1 ton truck, Duramax, Cummins, and Powerstorke. Plus they weigh more and have to use more power just to get themselves out of their own way. Someone will chime in here and tell me that I am full of it and that the medium duty truck is the only way to go. Maybe, but what else can you do with a truck that big? Sure they have larger axles, lower gears, more gears in the tranny, and that may make up for their lack of power or even their more portly weight. But, can they haul from your house to Cali and back at 70 mph and get as good of fuel mileage as you got. What was it you got again? 12+ mpg? A medium duty truck may get that empty.
Your dually is just begging for some computer tuning. All of the ground work has already been done for you. Larger turbo, exhaust, intake and the like. The International you were looking at had what, 200 horsepower max? Your current rig is putting out more than that now. Plus it weighs less. If you were over the limit of what you truck should be hauling, I say should be not could be, then maybe it is time to look at a bigger rig. If your Scout weighs 7,000 and your tent trailer is, what maybe 1,500, and your flat bed weighs 4,000 you are still okay. Only 12,500 total. For a truck that can haul 16,000 you are barely working it at all. If you are trying to keep up with the Prueitt's forget it. You need six wheel drive and you have to have six wheels on everything you take with you, tow rig, trailer, and off road rig.
I sold Stan all the tuning hardware on his old tow rig. He never had it fueled up all the way, that I know of. His new D-max is just an old LLY motor. The same motor that Chevy and GMC put into their 3/4 trucks. With half the weight.
So, now that I am towards the end of my novel, if you are over weight then a medium duty is the way to go. (Think insurance liability here). If you are just wanting to extend your man hood, okay, get the larger truck. If you are just wanting one to keep up with the Pureitt's forget it. He will be the first one to tell you that the little 1 ton was enough to pull and haul his big green beast anywhere he wanted to go.