Diet Progress 1 year with before and after pictures. *no 56K*


Grey is cool!
West Jordan
This is one of the best things I have read on the web. Not just this site, but the entire internet. I really do want to meet you and shake your hand. Great job! Be proud of yourself. You have saved your own life and by sharing this story you will help others to follow the same healthy life choice.


Formerly "Beerman"
WOW. Thank you all for the kind words. I wont lie.....I get choked up reading all of this. You are all so kind and like I said before it just keeps me motivated to keep on going. I have been getting a bunch of emails with requests for help and I hope I can be there for others. Even if its just one person I help, it would still make me extremely happy to know that I positively influenced someone to make their life better.

Thanks again all.


Anti-Social Networking
West Jordan Utah
That is awsome man! You should forward those pics to Subway. I think they could use a new spokesman to replace that annoying Jared dude. :p
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XT Utah

That is awsome man! You should forward those pics to Subway. I think they could use a new spokesman to replace that annoying Jared dude. :p

Definately. If nothing else good comes from this success story, we could at least get that dork out of our faces :rofl:
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XT Utah

I like it... the RME Fatass challenge.

Fire it up.

I'll play...

40 yrs old
In April, I weighed 260
Today, I weigh 240

I haven't gotten scientific about this. I just cut my food intake by at least half and go to the gym 3 days/week.

When at the gym, I lift weights and do some cardio most of the time for about 20 minutes.

My lifting program consists of following the plan described in a book called "The Book of Muscle" (not as gay as it sounds) :rofl:.

Anyway, my bench press went up from a max of 280 (when I last tried 12 years ago) to 350. I dang near did 365 a few weeks ago but I didn't do my usual warm up. I'm pretty sure I could do 375 with a proper warm up.

In the past I never bothered much with squats and deadlifts so I have no comparison, but now I'm sqatting 335 and deadlifting 335.

Before, I couldn't do more than maybe 10 situps. Now, I can do around 80 in 2 minutes. I can even do situps now without someone holding my feet. It's amazing how hard it is to do a situp without your feet held down :eek:. Most people laugh when they hear that but go ahead and try it :p.

Before, I couldn't do one pull up (palms facing forward). Now, I can do 3 or 4 on a good day. :) Hey, I'm still working on that :p.

Starting next week and for the next 90 days I will work on the "stripdown phase", following a program called "PX90". The goal is to get down to 220.

All that, minus the Corvette and girfriend and my midlife crisis will be complete! :rofl:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
crazy awesome results. It takes an extremely strong mind to be able to hold yourself to that and to make a change. You should look into motivational speeking. People will listen to your story and be motivated by you.


North Ogden, UT

Celebratory beer and cheeseburgers are on me.


Well-Known Member
that is amazing! you don't even look like the same person! congratulations on hard work paid off! just out of curiousity....wouldn't your skin shrink to fit your new size? or does it never shrink down?


Sugarhouse, Utah
That's awesome, what to go
It's also great that you are willing to share your story, a lot of Americans need help with our eating habits it's all about teaching us while we are young and yes I know there are other medical reasons. ( I'm not making a generalization about you :) )
any-whey great job.

I'm have diabetes type II and have science I was about 22 years old. When i was diagnosed with it I researched diabetes and learned that I had really bad eating/drinking habits, (I've never been real heavy back then about 185 lbs I've gotten up to about 198 lbs over the years.. currently I'm 164 lbs. and I'm 6 foot) but it's realty amazing how as Americans we are consonantly sold too I believe that it's all about the the all mighty $, and how easy it is to eat poorly and what the government is doing to us wow!

you look good and congratulations for taking it on!

Thank you for sharing.



Formerly "Beerman"
I am glad to help anyone who wants to learn. Since starting this post I have received several emails and pm's from people asking for help and I am honored. I will do what I can and I welcome anyone who isnt afraid to ask, and make the commitment to change.

Have a great evening.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Damn Jer, if you walked up to me and said Hi, I wouldn't know who you were! You look great, congrats on the weight loss. I showed those pics to my wife and she said you looked younger and much healthier. I'm impressed by your dedication, I could stand to use a few pounds and get in better shape. I may have to use you as an inspiration! :hickey: