How could we improve RME?


Who Dares Wins
Little late to the party, but that's how I roll.

I think one of the most poignant things that has been said is that when RME started and reached what I would consider it's peak maybe five years ago most of us that were on here were younger and 4-wheeling was our main form of socializing, and thus RME was our outlet. For many of us; be it marriage, kids, businesses, work, or generally being ground down by age and responsibility, 4-wheeling is still in our blood but we've found other things that are taking our time.

So, how do we make RME relevant to the evolved community? Increasing FB and IG content is not the answer, if anything it dilutes what has been built and what we are trying to conserve. Unless there is some way to link the comments from a FG or IG post and drop them into a thread here? Though I doubt FB (which owns both) would allow that as it draws people out of their ecosystem.

More events are key, I think. Give people something to get excited and post about. RME can host a few a year. One training day, BBQ, NPLD Cleanup, Winter Wheeling Trip, whatever. And encourage people to plan and invite others through the forum. Dangle a carrot in front of them like, "Plan an event on the forum that has more than five people, write a trip report about it and you get a free RME sticker!" Perhaps also a monthly featured trip report? Promote that through FB ect. and at the top of the forum?

Featured Rigs is a draw and encourages people to post build threads again. That's one thing I hear over and over again about RME, "There is so much tech!" Similar to the featured trip report, promote it. Plus, I don't think there has ever been a Trooper listed as a featured rig...

Finally, Cody and I need to need to get back into the habit of insulting each other more. We've been far to congenial of late. I wonder if the gravitational pull of his massive head has started to wain as the gray hairs have appeared.


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
I havent read through this whole thread yet, but felt I would add some thoughts here, then read through and see if I can help with some other ideas and things of that nature.

First off, I am more than willing to help out in any way I can! I love RME, and the people of it, and would also love to see it grow. Right now, it honestly just seems stagnant.

This is just an observation, but it seems like RME is leaning more towards the expedition, motorcycles, RTTs, and stuff of that nature. Nothing wrong with that, but RME is really home to ALL types of offroad recreationm, especially the extreme stuff, heck its right in the name Rocky Mountain Extreme. Personally I think it would be really cool to see RME make a physical presence at offroad events like OSRC, WERock, IXR, SSRCC, EJS, Trail HERO, etc. It would also be really cool to see RME at offroad based expos, and really anything offroad related.

When I meet someone on the street, and say hey have you ever heard of I am usually quite surprised that most have not. Escpecially here in Utah, you owuld think most people in the offroad community would know of RME.

First thing that would help is getting RME stickers made. Maybe several types of stickers for all the different types of offroad recreation to show the diversity of the site? Personally I would love to see more of the 'R' and '' stickers made up. I would run them on my truck, and my buggy which could also help get the word of the site out. I do have one very small one on the back of my buggy, but I would run bigger ones if they were available.

Next, I would LOVE more meet and greet gatherings and events for the RME community. The RME BBQ was probably my favorite gathering when they were around. It was a great opportunity to meet new people, as well as talk with old friends.

I hope this helps, and if I can help in anyway, please Greg, feel free to PM me and I would be glad to help. As more comes to mind, I will update this post with new thoughts, or make a new one. :greg:

EDIT: On top of the stickers, I definitely agree with the swag idea that have been proposed.
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Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
The best part about this forum is the people. I have made some of my best friends in life by connecting with and meeting the people on here. I wish I knew more of the old-timers. RME has a great thing going; something that's tough to come by on ANY forum these days.

Agreed. I go to RME before I will go to Pirate. I HATE Pirate for all the garbage they seem to talk on each other. I go there now and then to look around and see what is going on, but I do find myself sifting through all the BS that is on there for the stuff I was looking for, and wanted to see.

One of the things I enjoyed in the past, was the wrenching parties you hosted. It was a good time to come by and wrench on yours, others, or your personal rig, while enjoying each others company. Believe it or not Steve, you did teach me some stuff about Toyotas that I didnt know, and you did help my build my RUF spring packs when I had my old 85 when I worked on it in your driveway, while you wrenched on the 81 if I remember right. One of the funniest comments you said to me that day was, "man, and I thought I was slow at working on my rigs!" or something along those lines. Still a good memory.

I think in the early days, there was a sense of community to the forum because the rock crawling scene was young and there were only so many people out there doing it. Everyone was excited about it and seeing the progression of the different platforms into what they are today..piles of tube with expensive parts attached to them. That killed it for a lot of people, myself included, who don't have the budget to spring for that sort of vehicle and find themselves destroying their rigs trying to keep up. I think the middle tier guys dropped back into trail wheeling (some form of expedition wheeling, cue Kurt "whatever the **** that means") because they probably got into this thing to be able to explore further down the trail and further away from people.

That's my deal, I don't have the money for a rock crawler or the place to put it, but it's still in my blood and I'd LOVE to go thrash again. It's just prohibitively expensive for me. The other thing that killed it for me was the crowds, which are probably less now it seems. I wanted to get down trails that fewer people were on and explore, and as rock crawling became more popular, the crowds were just plain annoying. I grew tired of seeing drunken idiots throwing beer cans around and driving over trees, and instead of always getting fired up and into altercations on the trail, I just don't go out there.

I feel like I get out and do a lot of trails, and I don't post up invites for random people to come along. This is going to make me sound like an elitist prick, but I'm fairly selective about who I go out with because we've all ended up on a trail at some point with some asshat that makes you miserable, and I don't feel like spending my time off baby sitting someone over their head or trying to avoid someone's abrasive attitude (there is only room for one of those on the trail, and that's mine). I feel bad, because it was the inclusion that was the spirit of this forum originally that really got me hooked, and I wouldn't have half of my friends or any of the memories were it not for people like Greg and Shane and Kurt and Shawn and Marc Bryson and Brent Orton and Carl and Von and Bryson etc etc etc that let me tag along and learn from them....yet I don't do the same for others. I'm a dick.

Anyway, RME is awesome, and the friendships I've made as a direct result of this place have led to some of the most amazing experiences and memories...and it still contributes to them, just in a little different way.

This. When I first came across RME in around '02-03(?) I was a youngin', but I lurked and just watched all the fun stuff that seemed to be going on, then I finally joined back in 06. Still probably am a yougin', but I grew up watching all you guys in the competing scene. I kept telling myself I want to do this when I am older. Now, I finally have my rig built, and done, and the competing scene is all but gone. It is coming back, but I agree it is not like it used to be. It evolved as everything seems to do, but I still plan and want to do as much competing as I can without completely destroying my rig. I would love to see all the greats I loved watching as a kid make a comeback, or at least come to Old School. I couldnt believe how much fun that was last year.

I am grateful I have been able to meet many of these people I did look up to as a kid, and have had the opportunities I have had to talk with them, and even wheel with them. Including the infamous Cody. :)

Little late to the party, but that's how I roll.

I think one of the most poignant things that has been said is that when RME started and reached what I would consider it's peak maybe five years ago most of us that were on here were younger and 4-wheeling was our main form of socializing, and thus RME was our outlet. For many of us; be it marriage, kids, businesses, work, or generally being ground down by age and responsibility, 4-wheeling is still in our blood but we've found other things that are taking our time.

So, how do we make RME relevant to the evolved community? Increasing FB and IG content is not the answer, if anything it dilutes what has been built and what we are trying to conserve. Unless there is some way to link the comments from a FG or IG post and drop them into a thread here? Though I doubt FB (which owns both) would allow that as it draws people out of their ecosystem.

More events are key, I think. Give people something to get excited and post about. RME can host a few a year. One training day, BBQ, NPLD Cleanup, Winter Wheeling Trip, whatever. And encourage people to plan and invite others through the forum. Dangle a carrot in front of them like, "Plan an event on the forum that has more than five people, write a trip report about it and you get a free RME sticker!" Perhaps also a monthly featured trip report? Promote that through FB ect. and at the top of the forum?

Featured Rigs is a draw and encourages people to post build threads again. That's one thing I hear over and over again about RME, "There is so much tech!" Similar to the featured trip report, promote it. Plus, I don't think there has ever been a Trooper listed as a featured rig...

Finally, Cody and I need to need to get back into the habit of insulting each other more. We've been far to congenial of late. I wonder if the gravitational pull of his massive head has started to wain as the gray hairs have appeared.

I think bringing back the Featured Rig is a great idea. I enjoyed seeing peoples rigs featured on there, as well as the monthly giveaways. Believe it or not, I would almost always get on RME before I would get on FB, IG, SC, etc etc etc. I have really been debating removing my FB account, and just go back to the good ol forums. a lot less drama, and more time in my life for important things. I'll admit I am on there wasting way more time than I will admit. :-\

A lot of the people that I used to "crawl" with (including close friends) have moved on from it. I feel like it was such a tight group who was willing to go out of their way to help each-other as well as others on the trail. Trail rides were always so positive and fun. Somewhere that changed. I've kept the crawler for a long time, but I admittedly haven't taken it out much. Mostly due to life, kids, work, etc. So the few times that I have gone out over the past 5 years it's been with groups that I'm not too familiar with. The thing that changed to me was the attitudes. I feel like it's turned into a 'hardcore' fashion show and trash talk fest.

I've seen groups just stand around and talk shit about new guys coming up a trail. Of course they might not have had all the right gear and sure, maybe they broke their driveline or u-joint on chewy hill... but we were all that person once. Hell, I remember having some of the best rides of my life end up like that. We had to improvise and find a way to limp the rig back out. THAT was a challenge.

Actually, now that I think about it... maybe a lot of the people haven't been the guy broken on the trail before because they went out and got a $45k rock bouncer on credit. I dunno. My point is: I spend a lot more time out on the trail by myself now days because I'm burned out with the attitudes. That and I suck at making friends. :)

Probably one of my favorite trips was when you, myself, and James came down Pritchett, and you had to winch that huge truck down chewy with myself, and James as anchors. Stuff like that, and just sitting around shooting the breeze on the trails, and at lunch on the trails is what I love most about wheeling. Aside from some 'hardcore' wheeling! No doubt I LOVE the hard stuff, but I hope I dont get that attitude about it. I try to stay humble, and know what has taken to get where I am, but if I ever do, call me on it! I will do my best to correct it. :D
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But stuck more often.
A lot of the people that I used to "crawl" with (including close friends) have moved on from it. I feel like it was such a tight group who was willing to go out of their way to help each-other as well as others on the trail. Trail rides were always so positive and fun. Somewhere that changed. I've kept the crawler for a long time, but I admittedly haven't taken it out much. Mostly due to life, kids, work, etc. So the few times that I have gone out over the past 5 years it's been with groups that I'm not too familiar with. The thing that changed to me was the attitudes. I feel like it's turned into a 'hardcore' fashion show and trash talk fest.

I've seen groups just stand around and talk shit about new guys coming up a trail. Of course they might not have had all the right gear and sure, maybe they broke their driveline or u-joint on chewy hill... but we were all that person once. Hell, I remember having some of the best rides of my life end up like that. We had to improvise and find a way to limp the rig back out. THAT was a challenge.

Actually, now that I think about it... maybe a lot of the people haven't been the guy broken on the trail before because they went out and got a $45k rock bouncer on credit. I dunno. My point is: I spend a lot more time out on the trail by myself now days because I'm burned out with the attitudes. That and I suck at making friends. :)

Well with that kind of attitude.... I think we could be great friends! Of course, I can't make friends either so it'll never happen. :D

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
I love RME and the community here. I have met so many great people thanks to RME. Thank you!

I'm out and about fairly often but I don't post invites much for the same reasons Cody mentioned. That and I'm far too introverted for group activities. People drain my batteries. It's not you--it's me :eek:

Kids changed the game for me. Rock crawling was not fun for my wife or daughter and that is a big reason I moved away from it. Too much time in the truck. Too scary. Too much money. Having to drive/tow across the entire state of Utah just to get there.. Crowds, people, competition, bros, glamour etc. It became unbearable.

My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.


somewhat damaged
Probably one of my favorite trips was when you, myself, and James came down Pritchett, and you had to winch that huge truck down chewy with myself, and James as anchors. Stuff like that, and just sitting around shooting the breeze on the trails, and at lunch on the trails is what I love most about wheeling. Aside from some 'hardcore' wheeling! No doubt I LOVE the hard stuff, but I hope I dont get that attitude about it. I try to stay humble, and know what has taken to get where I am, but if I ever do, call me on it! I will do my best to correct it. :D

I forgot about that! That guy was super grateful. I wish he would have taken it a little easier on my winch but he was super happy to have gotten down that hill. :D I like challenges like that, it was fun!


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Gosh I had no idea I was looked at as the kind of guy diluting the forum! I'm not OG RME, I've never rock crawled, , I subscribe to expedition journal, I rock a RTT, and I love my dirtbike more than my truck.

Sorry for ripping up the true RME roots with my posts


somewhat damaged
Gosh I had no idea I was looked at as the kind of guy diluting the forum! I'm not OG RME, I've never rock crawled, , I subscribe to expedition journal, I rock a RTT, and I love my dirtbike more than my truck.

Sorry for ripping up the true RME roots with my posts

Way to go! Sheesh! ;)

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

I love this idea.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

Yep, I'd be in on this one. :cool:


Registered User
Salt Lake City
I don't have a lot to contribute...i've been a member for over 10 years, don't have a lot to post, and don't contribute a ton.... But, I will say that I like the way RME is now versus how it was 7-10 years ago. As someone mentioned, I used to not feel "hardcore" enough, and that with the popularity of the buggies and major rock crawling, I just felt left out and like an outsider. I don't help myself a ton because I'm very shy and don't inject myself into meeting new people very well....something I've been working on. I do wish there were more opportunities to meet new people...I don't help myself in this regard either...but over the past 5 years or so, it seems to have become more friendly and less about being super hardcore....and more diverse which I like.

Having a unique truck, without the desire to turn it into a buggy has left me feeling it's not worth posting much, plus I don't have nearly enough cool tech to share....I'm still learning. I've done more with the "new" truck, but even then, I can't dedicate much time or money to upgrades, which leaves the build thread disappointing.

I appreciate all those that participate and have contributed....I lack in that department, but with family, work, rentals, lack of $$, it's been difficult. I like the idea of meet and greets...I like putting names with screen names....and it makes me feel more comfortable on the trail. I also still, after wheeling for 15 years feel a little less sure of myself on many things, an unlike a lot of people in this world (not many here luckily) I don't pipe up if I don't really know....I'd rather be thought the full then open my mouth and remove all doubt. LOL


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

This. If love to take my 2-yr old son out when it gets warmer.


Boise, Id
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

I'm in. Sounds like a good way to introduce my daughter to camping. Warmer weather required though.

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Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

No kids, but I'll bring Kevin he's just a big kid


...I just filled the cup.
My kids (8 and 3) would LOVE to get out with other kids their age and my wife would enjoy meeting new people as well. Maybe a kid oriented 4x4 trip would be fun.. I'd be happy to help put something together. You know, a little less time stuck in the 'boring' car and more time out playing. Turn them loose on a huge sand dune for an afternoon or drop anchor at a remote lake and fish for the weekend. A trip where your kid(s) can cry/fuss all night long and nobody will hate you for it haha.

Sounds good to me. I intend on taking my kids on alot of day trips up American Fork etc. once the weather gets warmer.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I'm not an OG rock crawler but I do have a jeep and no RTT:)
I was just bitching about the Jeep last week when my wife reminded me that without it I would not have ever found out about RME. I can't imagine how much that would suck. The amount I have learned about everything from electronics to fab work to motorcycle and camping would easily fill a 2 year college career. The friends I have made and the trips I have been on because of RME are truly life changing. Not being LDS in Happy Valley can be isolating. RME really is a community to me and I really thank Greg and whoever else started and keep it going.

I agree on the featured rigs. Dave's LJ is the reason I bought mine, I was enthralled with that article. I have attended several trail rides and clean up days but I can do better if it means keeping my community alive. Even if it takes away from my motorcycle time:)

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The hard part about the Training Days is the commitment from someone to organize them. Steve did great, but it's a massive undertaking. Someone needs to step-up in order for them to happen again! The idea of keeping it a little more simple is very worth while.

Id like to step up and take a shot at this but..... wouldnt be able to throw money at it (like renting facilities, insurance, ect) . I love showing new people about wheeling.
Basically my plan is to simplify it and bring back the Newbie Runs. Get some new people in on this and show simple things like Gear and tools to have , Recovery, and most of all Trail respect/etiquite . Whatever happens on the trail . We learn on the trail. Maybe have a night we can all sign up for a CPR class , which im already certified.
Let me know your thoughts on this cause I have some wheeling time tomorrow and maybe throw a short notice "Open invite" to go have some fun.

Short notice Open Invite already posted.:D
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Thanks again for all the input you guys! I think we have some great ideas and direction, I think we're going to talk behind the scenes and start putting some of these ideas into action. There will be chances for our members to assist with taking this place to the next level, if you're interested!

Id like to step up and take a shot at this but..... wouldnt be able to throw money at it (like renting facilities, insurance, ect) . I love showing new people about wheeling.
Basically my plan is to simplify it and bring back the Newbie Runs. Get some new people in on this and show simple things like Gear and tools to have , Recovery, and most of all Trail respect/etiquite . Whatever happens on the trail . We learn on the trail. Maybe have a night we can all sign up for a CPR class , which im already certified.
Let me know your thoughts on this cause I have some wheeling time tomorrow and maybe throw a short notice "Open invite" to go have some fun.

Short notice Open Invite already posted.:D

:cool: Sounds good to me! What I'd like to do is have some kind of team working together on this, so the class is sustainable and one person isn't shouldering the effort. We'll talk! ;)


Sandy, Ut
...The Training Days were incredible, but as Steve mentioned they took a LOT of effort with disappointing returns/turnouts at times. I wish we were able to continue them, but I'm not sure it's a renewable resource.

...However, being a planning part of the last training day, It sucks to put in so much effort only to have people not show up/show up late/etc

...Sucks, doesn't it. I've had the same feeling about RME land use projects that we've done the last few years. It's very disappointing to plan a huge event, planning on big numbers and having minimal turnout. I'm not sure what the answer is there, but would love to hear what we can do.

Gents, I think there is a bit of a mis-understanding or perhaps tainted view of the QTD's based on the last one that was hosted. All of the previous QTD's were what I would consider a success in terms of participation. Those I was involved in had big groups, great instructors and even support and involvement from the BLM, etc. The last QTD was a last minute effort by Kevin B and he took the ball and ran and pulled of what I heard was a neat event with little prep time, kudos to him for being able/willing to step up there. We had started discussion with the planning committee about a future QTD and that is where things fell silent.

QTD's are a fair bit of work to plan but we had many shoulders to do the lifting and with enough interest it's rather easy to pull off as a collective. Afterall, teamwork is essential — it allows you to blame someone else. :D