let's see 'em


Formerly Beardy McGee
theferg said:
You calling it a 80s movie and then saying Waterworld makes me think you are a young'un...17...18 maybe? :D


wow, you're good! not that i was a fan in anyway to Waterworld...no, no, no!

but you know what i mean! and yes, i am 18 :D


DD for Life
Southern Utah
It's funny too 'cause I'm really not that much older...I'm 26...but when I talk to people that are like 23 and under, the things they remember are SOOO much different... They talk about the 80s and stuff, and I lived in the 80s... Damn, sucks to get older...

Keep postin' your rigs dudes! I like to see who drives what and all...



Formerly Beardy McGee
robrocketanski said:
yeah, i would have said "ice pirates" not water world. amazing what a difference 8 years can make.

my name isn't really rocketanski of course ;)

waterworld was the first thing i could think of to describe the look i was trying to describe....as i have no idea what the 80's shows were called. i just randomly see them on from time to time on KJAZZ on saturdays or something....ya know?

i like to see all the rigs too...that way i know who to flip off! :D i kid, i kid....


look what i can do!!
theferg said:
Screw that! -_- You mean Mad Max. Waterworld tried so hard to give that Mad Max feel but just sucked. Not to mention Kevin "butt" Costner sucks. You calling it a 80s movie and then saying Waterworld makes me think you are a young'un...17...18 maybe? But, I do think that Ollie's rig looks like a Mad Max vehicle for sure! :D

Speakin' of Mad Max there's supposedly gonna be another one comin' out sometime...

me love MAD MAX!! thats my style!!

its sad to think my cruiser started out pretty!! just like Ferg's

the cruiser is soon to sport A NEW LOOK!!! just got a crap load of tube, and a sawzall!!! :D
i never liked 4 doors anyway!! ;)


Registered User
Pocatello Idaho
Poser pic after the one ton swap
