Political So now what

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somewhat damaged



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Political discussions always devolve into something that reminds me of an Epictetus saying "it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows". I know, I know. Books bad. Boo to books. Still seems pertinent.

I haven't been following much in the way of national politics, but as a skeptic, some of this is confusing to me.

So the narrative here is that the letter agencies, (which must be controlled by liberal government?) were the ones actively inciting the mob. So a bunch of liberal leaning government actors were dressing up as conservative actors and joined with known white supremacist leaning groups (groups that are lead by minorities, awkwardly) and other citizens, being egged on by a conservative president (I would use the word demagogue) to overthrow an election that they won?

I certainly agree that both sides are playing the fiddle and are in cahoots as I am firmly anti partisan politics as it's constructed currently in our privately funded political system, but something in that story doesn't stack up. What am I missing?


somewhat damaged
Political discussions always devolve into something that reminds me of an Epictetus saying "it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows". I know, I know. Books bad. Boo to books. Still seems pertinent.
I agree, and can apply this same logic to the opposition. I have more books than anybody I personally know. However, you'd probably say they were "wrong think" type of books. So is the argument that if it exists in a book (new or old) then it's more true or more valuable than any public discourse on the internet?

So the narrative here is that the letter agencies, (which must be controlled by liberal government?) were the ones actively inciting the mob. So a bunch of liberal leaning government actors were dressing up as conservative actors and joined with known white supremacist leaning groups (groups that are lead by minorities, awkwardly) and other citizens, being egged on by a conservative president (I would use the word demagogue) to overthrow an election that they won?
There is a culture of un-elected bureaucrats who want dearly to hold on to their deep state way of life. It's an occulted club, so to say. To say they are either liberal or conservative leaning is just misdirection and doesn't matter. I like to think back to when JFK stated that we should “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” Nothing totally happened to him.

Groups of people in positions of power conspire. How is that a conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
If it actually were an insurrection, the people 'storming' the Capitol would have been armed, lots of shots would have been fired, and lots of people would have died. That didn't happen....

After months and months of the Jan. 6th commission dog and pony show, video of some of these more notable "insurrectionists" being led calmly and peacefully around the Capitol by Capitol police, surfaced. The farce Jan. 6th commission didn't have much to say about that...

What it boils down to is just more partisan dirty tricks by the left to get Trump and conservatives, by any and all means necessary. They've been trying to find something, anything, that will stick since before the '16 election. Anyone recall the Mueller report? For two years all we heard is that they were going to get Trump with that. Then it finally came out. Ohh, errr, nevermind...

Trump is a narcissist for sure. Anyone who would want that job is.

I'd gladly go back to how the Country and World were running while he was in office, compared to the dumpster fire we have now. As soon as old Joe got into office, he signed Executive Orders severely hampering our then current and future energy production. Immediately markets responded, and inflation started to rise. Then MASSIVE deficit spending, and inflation really took off. We are around 30% across the board for inflation, since early January 2021.

Yeah, Bidenflation.

We didn't have millions of illegals flooding into the country, most of whom we have no idea who they are, or what they are doing. But it's a good bet that many aren't here with good intentions.

A disastrous, bungling pull-out from Afghanistan, and the bad actors around the globe see that we are run by an incompetent joke. So Putin who seemed to at least respect the USA under Trump enough to not invade Ukraine, (like he did under Obama) invades Ukraine again, with all the death and destruction that has caused.

The chubby North Korean who had been saber rattling, is put in check by Trump. Trump actually meets the Dictator, and tensions ease. The first time any President had met with a North Korean Dictator since the end of hostilities in the 50's. WHY Trump wasn't praised by the world, given the Nobel Peace Prize, etc. for pulling that off is telling about the bias against him.

Remember Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, for doing nothing but getting elected. Apparently the Nobel Peace Prize is nothing more than a joke.

Lots of other examples of the bias against Trump and conservatives by the left and their lackies n the mainstream (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NY Times, SL Tribune, etc, etc, etc) media.

Regarding the SL Tribune. At one time they had a sliver of objectivity, and were able to maintain readership. Then they slowly got rid of any moderately conservative journalists, and you get what they are today, just leftist propaganda. Most people like me lost interest in their one-sided propaganda, and stopped paying for the privilege of reading their BS.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
I'd gladly go back to how the Country and World were running while he was in office, compared to the dumpster fire we have now. As soon as old Joe got into office, he signed Executive Orders severely hampering our then current and future energy production. Immediately markets responded, and inflation started to rise. Then MASSIVE deficit spending, and inflation really took off. We are around 30% across the board for inflation, since early January 2021.

Yeah, Bidenflation.
You have your POV, and much of what you said is correct. We live in a dumpster fire and Biden is contributing to it.....but to act like it all happened when he got into office is a bit of a disservice to much of the rest of your argument.

The economy condition can not be put at the foot of Biden solely. Trump played a good role in it, as did Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc. The low interest rates for so long helped contribute to it, but really, Trump, and the Covid funds (remember, he started giving free money out) is really what contributed to it. The inflation was a LONG TIME coming.

The deficit spending has been going on for decades, and Trump as NO better at it. In reality, if you look back as soon as Bush left and the '08 crisis happened, deficit spending has been huge.....and yes, Biden and Obama have the largest years on average (adjusting for Trump's covid year) but to act like the massive deficit spending is all related to Biden is just disingenous. There are also world wide factors that need to be taken into account. Biden's years have been large due to Covid and Ukraine. Also, remember, that Congress really holds the purse in the US, so, while Biden is bad, the House is really the problem....and for some of the bigger deficit years, it was controlled by the R's.

I'm just saying that when you present information, having a little objectivity is good.

Biden is a mess, the country is in trouble. I don't think Trump will help AT ALL, and I am sick of both parties putting up candidates that the majority of Americans don't even want running. Just my $.02 ($.005 due to inflation)


Registered User
Political discussions always devolve into something that reminds me of an Epictetus saying "it is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows". I know, I know. Books bad. Boo to books. Still seems pertinent.

I haven't been following much in the way of national politics, but as a skeptic, some of this is confusing to me.

So the narrative here is that the letter agencies, (which must be controlled by liberal government?) were the ones actively inciting the mob. So a bunch of liberal leaning government actors were dressing up as conservative actors and joined with known white supremacist leaning groups (groups that are lead by minorities, awkwardly) and other citizens, being egged on by a conservative president (I would use the word demagogue) to overthrow an election that they won?

I certainly agree that both sides are playing the fiddle and are in cahoots as I am firmly anti partisan politics as it's constructed currently in our privately funded political system, but something in that story doesn't stack up. What am I missing?
You summed up their theory perfectly.

And the defense here on RME is that the CIA killed JFK, so I guess that ends the debate. :rolleyes:


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
You have your POV, and much of what you said is correct. We live in a dumpster fire and Biden is contributing to it.....but to act like it all happened when he got into office is a bit of a disservice to much of the rest of your argument.

The economy condition can not be put at the foot of Biden solely. Trump played a good role in it, as did Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc. The low interest rates for so long helped contribute to it, but really, Trump, and the Covid funds (remember, he started giving free money out) is really what contributed to it. The inflation was a LONG TIME coming.

The deficit spending has been going on for decades, and Trump as NO better at it. In reality, if you look back as soon as Bush left and the '08 crisis happened, deficit spending has been huge.....and yes, Biden and Obama have the largest years on average (adjusting for Trump's covid year) but to act like the massive deficit spending is all related to Biden is just disingenous. There are also world wide factors that need to be taken into account. Biden's years have been large due to Covid and Ukraine. Also, remember, that Congress really holds the purse in the US, so, while Biden is bad, the House is really the problem....and for some of the bigger deficit years, it was controlled by the R's.

I'm just saying that when you present information, having a little objectivity is good.

Biden is a mess, the country is in trouble. I don't think Trump will help AT ALL, and I am sick of both parties putting up candidates that the majority of Americans don't even want running. Just my $.02 ($.005 due to inflation)
Until Congress gets back to doing budgets......which the uniparty hates, our deficit spending will have no controls put on it. Its interesting how the media and most of the liberals call the Republicans who are vocal about needing to get back to financial responsibility MAGA repbulicans. That term is now the new boogy man.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
You summed up their theory perfectly.

And the defense here on RME is that the CIA killed JFK, so I guess that ends the debate. :rolleyes:

I have no idea what happened to JFK other than he was shot in Dallas. Who was behind it will likely never be solved? Maybe it was the .gov narrative that is actually true? Maybe there was another shooter? NONE of us know nor can ever know due to all the redacting in the documents and the time it took to release. You have to admit there's just a little gray area there?

You could apply the same logic to almost anything that is "hushed". That does raise suspicion in me. It's not something I spend any real time thinking about. I don't think JFK was actually that great of a president. The celebrity of the WWII hero, married to who he was married to, the family he represented and the time frame that all this happened in (baby boomers coming of age) make this event something that we just can't understand sitting here in 2024? We can understand SOME things but the reality was different in the early 60's and with the surrounding secrecy of the event, how can one's mind NOT wander.

I'm going out on a limb here, but I don't think things have gotten clearer and less corrupt since then

Until Congress gets back to doing budgets......which the uniparty hates, our deficit spending will have no controls put on it. Its interesting how the media and most of the liberals call the Republicans who are vocal about needing to get back to financial responsibility MAGA repbulicans. That term is now the new boogy man.

The new "Communist" label perhaps?


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I am glad you brought up Rivera and Fox (where Rivera recently worked) since that is where many Conservatives get their "news."
The counter to Heraldo is CNN's Chris Cuomo actively advising his brother while actively running a show as a "journalist" . Then couple that with his grandiose exit from his basement quarantine when he never was quarantined. He was seen out and about during the period he claimed to be living in his basement. These people are all liars and I'm dumfounded people believe any of them.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
January 6th was so bad that the most terrified member of congress doesn't even know how many people died in that event 10 months after it happened.

"In a tweet on Oct. 24, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 as “a terror attack,” which she said resulted in “almost 10 dead.” She called for “any member of Congress who helped plot” it to be “expelled.”"


Registered User
Salt Lake City
Until Congress gets back to doing budgets......which the uniparty hates, our deficit spending will have no controls put on it. Its interesting how the media and most of the liberals call the Republicans who are vocal about needing to get back to financial responsibility MAGA repbulicans. That term is now the new boogy man.

I agree.

The budget needs to be balanced. The only way to do that is cut all spending....defense, entitlements, etc. However, even that won't help get us moving in the right direction. A simplified tax code that can not be as exploited as it is needs to be adopted. I think, if that won't happen, we do need to raise the tax rates. Unless we want to default, cutting alone will not get us out of this mess. It's kind of the Dave Ramsey approach....cut spending, but also, get a 2nd job.

It will NEVER happen however...too much lobbying power for all the deductions and trying to keep the tax cuts


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
You have your POV, and much of what you said is correct. We live in a dumpster fire and Biden is contributing to it.....but to act like it all happened when he got into office is a bit of a disservice to much of the rest of your argument.

The economy condition can not be put at the foot of Biden solely. Trump played a good role in it, as did Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc. The low interest rates for so long helped contribute to it, but really, Trump, and the Covid funds (remember, he started giving free money out) is really what contributed to it. The inflation was a LONG TIME coming.

The deficit spending has been going on for decades, and Trump as NO better at it. In reality, if you look back as soon as Bush left and the '08 crisis happened, deficit spending has been huge.....and yes, Biden and Obama have the largest years on average (adjusting for Trump's covid year) but to act like the massive deficit spending is all related to Biden is just disingenous. There are also world wide factors that need to be taken into account. Biden's years have been large due to Covid and Ukraine. Also, remember, that Congress really holds the purse in the US, so, while Biden is bad, the House is really the problem....and for some of the bigger deficit years, it was controlled by the R's.

I'm just saying that when you present information, having a little objectivity is good.

Biden is a mess, the country is in trouble. I don't think Trump will help AT ALL, and I am sick of both parties putting up candidates that the majority of Americans don't even want running. Just my $.02 ($.005 due to inflation)

I would argue LBJ's 'Great Society' and that type of thinking, set us down the path to the '08 crisis. Of course there was Carter... Anyone recall interest rates of 20%?

We could go all the way back to FDR for that matter.

As for Trump helping, The leftist media will continue the smear campaign.


somewhat damaged
As for Trump helping, The leftist media will continue the smear campaign.
That's why he's so interesting. The absolute hatred from the establishment put a spot light on so much corruption from that side and well actually, both sides. BOTH SIDES hate him. That tells me something. That made me look deeper. The TDS is a real phenomenon and it's wild!

I like him because everybody I don't like hates him. I know, not a really good way to go at things but it's been fun.