Video do you guys do it?


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There is a kid in my ward who is ranked in the top 10 gamers of the world. When I asked him to describe a traditional 'gaming event' he said "imagine hundreds of people who still live in their parents basement, fighting back and forth about the virtues of Captain Kirk over Captain Picard while beating each other up on computer games simply because they have nothing better to do with their lives . . . and getting paid to do it."


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
StrobeNGH said:
There is a kid in my ward who is ranked in the top 10 gamers of the world. When I asked him to describe a traditional 'gaming event' he said "imagine hundreds of people who still live in their parents basement, fighting back and forth about the virtues of Captain Kirk over Captain Picard while beating each other up on computer games simply because they have nothing better to do with their lives . . . and getting paid to do it."
Everyone knows Captain Kirk is the better captain and I don't live in my parents basement... I live above the garage. ;) :rofl:

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
PierCed_3 said:
I don't understand this steriotype... gamers not having lives. I guess you have ran into a few in your day. I have met a few and yes that steriotype fits them well but to steriotype everyone who plays a PS or Gamecube, or Xbox as the D&D type is just as funny as... well.. steriotyping 4 wheelers as people who tear up land and pollute the earth. Not all people are the same because they play games or rockcrawl etc.

I am sure they think.. (like my wife thinks ;) ) spend thousands of dollars on a rig only to go and break it on it's maiden voyage, what is so fun about that. Different strokes for different folks ya know.

Steriotyping is not cool.. funny at times.. but not cool

ooh oh must have struck a nerve someone is getting sensitive about there gaming. :rofl:


Smooth Gang Founding Member
PierCed_3 said:
I don't understand this steriotype... gamers not having lives. I guess you have ran into a few in your day. I have met a few and yes that steriotype fits them well but to steriotype everyone who plays a PS or Gamecube, or Xbox as the D&D type is just as funny as... well.. steriotyping 4 wheelers as people who tear up land and pollute the earth. Not all people are the same because they play games or rockcrawl etc.

I am sure they think.. (like my wife thinks ;) ) spend thousands of dollars on a rig only to go and break it on it's maiden voyage, what is so fun about that. Different strokes for different folks ya know.

Steriotyping is not cool.. funny at times.. but not cool
i don't consider it stereotyping when it is about 60% true or more.

but seriously though, what percentage of "gay-mers" do sit around and do nothing but play games with their friends and have LAN parties every weekend and avoid interaction with the opposite sex at all costs. the teens in my neighborhood are all like this.
i like to link xboxes and play halo2, don't get me wrong... but i dont even own an xbox first of all and second of all we play about 2-3 hours a week. games used to be cool, when i was like 12 but lets face it, they are not cool in highschool or older.
one day they all come to terms with your loserness, it just takes time my friend.
what percentage of wheelers tear up land? too many no doubt, but probably not 60% or more.

the moral of the story is social interaction is crucial to life, and chat rooms, game clubs and stupid forums :ugh: don't count for as much as face to face conversations.


I drive Frankenstein!!
xj_punk said:
i don't consider it stereotyping when it is about 60% true or more.

but seriously though, what percentage of "gay-mers" do sit around and do nothing but play games with their friends and have LAN parties every weekend and avoid interaction with the opposite sex at all costs. the teens in my neighborhood are all like this.
i like to link xboxes and play halo2, don't get me wrong... but i dont even own an xbox first of all and second of all we play about 2-3 hours a week. games used to be cool, when i was like 12 but lets face it, they are not cool in highschool or older.
one day they all come to terms with your loserness, it just takes time my friend.
what percentage of wheelers tear up land? too many no doubt, but probably not 60% or more.

the moral of the story is social interaction is crucial to life, and chat rooms, game clubs and stupid forums :ugh: don't count for as much as face to face conversations.

Agreed, but like you said 60% are like that. Not all are. Same with wheelers we get stereotyped by people who don't understand us and see the rednecks out tearing up the land trying to make a statement on how bada$$ thier redneck trucks are. Just saying stereotyping sucks. Not "Striking a nerve" just don't like it when people single a group out. I am sure you don't worship the almighty PS or xbox but you said yourself that you like to play. Does that mean you are trying to avoid society? Just like to have fun.. lets face it, that's all some kids have. What do you do on days when you don't have cash, friends, or family to hang out with?

Yeah, I singled out redneck trucks.... :D
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
PierCed_3 said:
What do you do on days when you don't have cash, friends, or family to hang out with?

I read, write, hike, etc. I can think of lots of productive things to do without money, or companionship.

and stop spelling stereotype like that---it makes my eyes hurt. :D



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6.25% of people who have posted in this thread can't laugh at themselves, and/or take things way too seriously.


Fortunately, that means that 93.75% of people can laugh at themselves, and/or don't take things way too seriously . . .

Phew! That was close!



I drive Frankenstein!!
StrobeNGH said:

6.25% of people who have posted in this thread can't laugh at themselves, and/or take things way too seriously.


Fortunately, that means that 93.75% of people can laugh at themselves, and/or don't take things way too seriously . . .

Phew! That was close!


S-t-e-r-e-o-t-y-p-e :D I knew it didn't look right.. Thanks!

:rofl: :rofl: @ myself


Smooth Gang Founding Member
PierCed_3 said:
Same with wheelers we get stereotyped by people who don't understand us and see the rednecks out tearing up the land trying to make a statement on how bada$$ thier redneck trucks are.
Yeah, I singled out redneck trucks.... :D

so do you have to in fact be a redneck to tear up land? i bet their are some highdollar rigs out there that have no respect for the land. just a speculation... you stereotyper!!!!!!!!!!


seriously though, there are a lot better things to do than playing video games. i enjoy just hanging out with my friends, sitting around and talking about how cool highschool was. or we go get something to eat and meet new people.


By endurance we conquer
xj_punk said:
i don't consider it stereotyping when it is about 60% true or more.

but seriously though, what percentage of "gay-mers" do sit around and do nothing but play games with their friends and have LAN parties every weekend and avoid interaction with the opposite sex at all costs. the teens in my neighborhood are all like this.
i like to link xboxes and play halo2, don't get me wrong... but i dont even own an xbox first of all and second of all we play about 2-3 hours a week. games used to be cool, when i was like 12 but lets face it, they are not cool in highschool or older.
one day they all come to terms with your loserness, it just takes time my friend.

the moral of the story is social interaction is crucial to life, and chat rooms, game clubs and stupid forums :ugh: don't count for as much as face to face conversations.

:confused: What is the alotted time per week you give before you deem these people GAY-MERS? Just wondering. I don't have time for video games. I really like to play my xbox with my friends about once a month. By myself it's pretty boring. Gameboys are fun cause you can play it on a plane or in the car. Cody let me have your gameboy :D I agree there are way more productive ways to spend your time, but like you said something about Willis and whatever.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
mesha said:
:confused: What is the alotted time per week you give before you deem these people GAY-MERS? Just wondering. I don't have time for video games. I really like to play my xbox with my friends about once a month. By myself it's pretty boring. Gameboys are fun cause you can play it on a plane or in the car. Cody let me have your gameboy :D I agree there are way more productive ways to spend your time, but like you said something about Willis and whatever.
losers point of view
playing video games > doing anything constructive


By endurance we conquer
xj_punk said:
losers point of view
playing video games > doing anything constructive

So it isn't the time so much as the desire they showing. I think I am understanding it. What about people who make a living playing video games? Many hours but still productive. I'm just messing around I see what you are saying.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
mesha said:
So it isn't the time so much as the desire they showing. I think I am understanding it. What about people who make a living playing video games? Many hours but still productive. I'm just messing around I see what you are saying.

its both for sure. the time and the priority that gaming has in their lives.

who the hell makes a living playing video games??? sounds made up :D


no user title
xj_punk said:
who the hell makes a living playing video games??? sounds made up :D
Hey, I know how rediculous it sounds, but it is true. There is an entire industry of professional gamers. ESPN covered one of their events a while back. Must have been during one of the baseball strikes . . .


Guard Rail Tester
xj_punk said:
its both for sure. the time and the priority that gaming has in their lives.

who the hell makes a living playing video games??? sounds made up :D

actually some of the national comps have prizes of $250K +
and don't forget professional video game testers, they play looking for bugs etc for the programers


Cuts Through Grease !!!
brian said: name is Brian....I'm 32 yrs old...and I play video games.. :ugh:......hmmm argue on the computer / play football.. :confused:
Glad you came out of the closet Brian :rofl: :rofl: I play video games with my son, just like my dad did with me. I definatly limit the time he plays and I make sure he gets outside and plays alot.