Video do you guys do it?


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onetuff76 said:
Hey cody no offense but we all know your position on video games so why don't you just drop it. Anymore your typical gamer is a college going/graduate who is improving him/herself anyways. Pimpled faced gamers are in the past. About the only time I play is late at night after improving myself for about 14hrs that day. To tired to go to they gym, to late to mentor, don't care to socialize with bar flys caring more STD's than Paris Hilton, don't feel like reading as I've been reading for about 8hrs in some form or another, I just want to relax in my own home. So rather than turn on the useless dribble of sitcom and reality TV I'll flip on my xbox where I can be hanging out with my friends (from SLC, and around the world) and play a game to releave some stress. Playing video games has been equated to playing poker with the buddies anymore. It used to be you'd go to your buddies house to play poker with the guys, now its play xbox with em through LAN or XBOX live. I have no regrets for the time I've spent relaxing playing video games. So I'm sorry I'm not the outstanding citizen you are Cody, but I'm no pimple faced albino obesse gamer. I'm a geek yes, but that comes from my pursuit of 3 majors as the residing president of the Westminster chapter of the society for physics students, but the women like this geek alot! ;)

Don't take me too seriously dude. I'll give you a pat on the back if thats what you want. I know what you're going through, I went through it for years. I too did multiple degrees, worked full time, and held local, state, and national officer positions in multiple organizations simultaneously. I have no sympathy for you, but I do respect and commend your commitment and fully understand what it's like to need an outlet after spending 16 hours going 150 mph. If gaming is your outlet, thats awesome, but I prefer a more personal experience---like making fun of gamers. ;D

I didn't mean for it to come off as an attack, and I am by no means an outstanding citizen, nor do I claim to be. I don't do half the **** I wish I did, I'm not involved in any charity work at this point in my life as I don't want to start something and not be able to fully commit to it. I'm not preaching as much as stirring the pot. I pick on gamers and samurai owners because they are by far the easiest prey as they are the most sensitive and defensive of the dork genus

I just do it for the entertainment value, but I by no means think that playing games makes you less of a person or any less of a citizen or anything. Just not as cool as me ;)


however, I'll open up a poll and see if the board wants me to stop making fun of gamers.


Guard Rail Tester
Cody said:
Don't take me too seriously dude. I'll give you a pat on the back if thats what you want. I know what you're going through, I went through it for years. I too did multiple degrees, worked full time, and held local, state, and national officer positions in multiple organizations simultaneously. I have no sympathy for you, but I do respect and commend your commitment and fully understand what it's like to need an outlet after spending 16 hours going 150 mph. If gaming is your outlet, thats awesome, but I prefer a more personal experience---like making fun of gamers. ;D

I didn't mean for it to come off as an attack, and I am by no means an outstanding citizen, nor do I claim to be. I don't do half the **** I wish I did, I'm not involved in any charity work at this point in my life as I don't want to start something and not be able to fully commit to it. I'm not preaching as much as stirring the pot. I pick on gamers and samurai owners because they are by far the easiest prey as they are the most sensitive and defensive of the dork genus

I just do it for the entertainment value, but I by no means think that playing games makes you less of a person or any less of a citizen or anything. Just not as cool as me ;)


however, I'll open up a poll and see if the board wants me to stop making fun of gamers.

Somebody has to stir your pot a little too cody! ;) Gives me a nice kick to let the board see you so appologetic. :D :greg: :D


Seasoned Mall Cruiser
Next door
Cody said:
I know you Xbox guys have your doubts about the smaller portable game systems such as the Game boy, but I think you are missing out on a great opportunity here.

Here me out. Say you divert 10% of your monthly budget for pogs, Magik cards, and Xbox games into a game boy and a few select games. Say, for instance, fate finds you hanging out with friends---or say a girl (one on one (icky I know)). After the initial shock wears off you always need to find someway to ground yourself. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, get in a few quick minutes of Game Boy and Blam!!! you're back in the mix! You now have a way to mask the uncomfortable pains that are ever-present in social interaction with the familiar solace of gaming!! Think of the opportunities. This could be the coolest thing since D&D!!!


You write this as if it some new profound realization you've had about game play. I mean come on get real.


Us hard core gamers have already been doing this for years.

:rofl: :rofl: