

I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
My fiance is traveling to Vienna for vacation. Her employer (the state) told her she will be on a 2 week "work from home" schedule when she returns... lol
That's funny. My wife works for the state, from home and her manager is forcing them to come into the office once a week regardless.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
The brewery took a solid 30% nose dive in the last 10 days. Meanwhile, the takeout industry is killing it. Two people I know that work at restaurants with take-out both said its been crazy.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Email I received from RR4W yesterday....


To address the questions about the Coronavirus and EJS 2020

We have fielded calls and messages about rumors of the current Coronavirus situation and its' effect on Easter Jeep Safari 2020, so to address that concern please read and share this post.

This outbreak, like past flu like outbreaks will effect those with already weakened immune systems, the very young and the very elderly, and as such you should take precautions not only for your well being, but also for those around you that could more easily be effected by this virus.

First, obviously if you are not feeling well or someone in your family or group is not feeling well, stay back, stay home, and get better.

Please don’t needlessly put others at risk if you can help it. That will play a big part in the effective control of the virus, especially at public events like Easter Jeep Safari and the associated shows and vendor get togethers.

Second, if you can please bring and wear basic protective gear recommended by the CDC or other government health agencies for this outbreak.
Please review: to learn what you can do to help prevent the spread of the corona virus.

Additionally please know that the Red Rock 4-Wheelers and the venue will be implementing additional recommended precautions based on local public heath officials.

At this time there is no truth to any rumor of cancellation of EJS, but let’s all do our part to help make it a fun and successful event for all.

Thank you for your support of
Red Rock 4-Wheelers and
Easter Jeep Safari - we look forward
to seeing you in 2020!
Red Rock 4 Wheelers | 435-259-ROCK |


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
My weekly Target update... Last night we were again completely out of hand sanitizer, bleach, toilet paper, and disinfecting wipes. I do find it hilarious that we're also out of the "all natural" wipes that don't kill/disinfect much of anything.

We do have water and all the other grocery/cleaning/household items. Still plenty of hand soap available.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Glad RR4W are taking precautions but not cancelling do to this media hyped nonsense telling us we're all going to die


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
As a delivery driver who actually delivers these goods on a daily basis, it's just incredible to me to see how much demand has ramped up.

My company (that one big one) has 3 basic delivery types for our stores.
1-General Merchandise
2-Frozen Food and Dairy

HVDC stands for High Velocity... I can't remember the rest of it. Basically it's the items that sell out the fastest after hitting the shelves. It's mainly Toilet Paper, bottled water, and other paper products. I don't know the statistics off hand, but I would guess those HVDC loads are 40% of our total deliveries. There is at least one 53' semi trailer delivered to every single store in America, every single day... BEFORE this madness all began. Many stores get as many as 3 semi trailers a day for HVDC.

Anyway, I've been sent to the PNW for this week to help delivery the extra loads. I'll take some pics of the inside of these trailers for y'all.


Wandering the desert
As a delivery driver who actually delivers these goods on a daily basis, it's just incredible to me to see how much demand has ramped up.

My company (that one big one) has 3 basic delivery types for our stores.
1-General Merchandise
2-Frozen Food and Dairy

HVDC stands for High Velocity... I can't remember the rest of it. Basically it's the items that sell out the fastest after hitting the shelves.
High Volume Distribution Center. Commonly referred to in the DC as remix. It's things that they don't need to stack in the trucks that usually just come on pallets. I'm surprised I remember that. It's been a few minutes since I worked transportation at the DC.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Was just at Harmon's in Draper, shelves fully stocked of anything you could ever hope for... Draperonians must be a very prepared people that don't scare easily. I stocked up on my soda since they have on sale... avoided buying TP just so I didn't look like a crazy person.