Recent content by hoxviii

  1. hoxviii

    Lostboyz Af Run july 12

    I'm gonna be up with utah 4x4. Justin
  2. hoxviii

    Finally fixxed the TTB!

    What gears does the TTB have? LS? What would you want for the inner stub with the u-joint on the passengers side? Justin
  3. hoxviii

    Recommendations on a worthwhile alignment shop?

    Didn't even ask. I have a feeling he was fairly high up as he was probably about 40, balding, dark hair, and wasn't dirty. Seemed like a manager or assitant manager. Justin
  4. hoxviii

    Recommendations on a worthwhile alignment shop?

    I'll call up russ alignment and sids tomorrow and see what they have to say. I'm going to pass on the idea of teraflex for now as they say they specialize in late model Jeep service. While there may or may not be someone there that knows TTB, I'm looking for someone that does a good deal of...
  5. hoxviii

    Recommendations on a worthwhile alignment shop?

    Executive Summary: So I'm just looking for an honest place that won't try to hand me a line of BS and just align my truck, preferably someone that knows the intricacies of Ford TIB/TTB. I don't care about spending money so long as they're up front with me. I tried the Les Schwab in Draper to...
  6. hoxviii

    cool flashlight

    Hell, they don't even have to produce the whole gun. Just sell it as a glock conversion kit. I'd be ALL over that! Justin
  7. hoxviii

    UP in trouble over fire in SLC

    I'm looking for the article with the quote, it was from one on=f the local TV stations. As for video, i need to break down and buy a firewire cable. . . My question is, wouldn't it be just as much the pallet company's fault as UP's? The train may have "sparked", but you shouldn't be...
  8. hoxviii

    UP in trouble over fire in SLC

    I was actually running up Bangarter Hwy right after it started burning, got a good 10 or 15 minutes of video, including a couple propane tanks going. It was right after that that they started clearing observers from the highway. That night I got home and read the news, one of the quotes being...
  9. hoxviii

    Summit Machine June '08 Run - AF Canyon, Forest Lake

    Well, talk about enough to piss me the hell off. I'd decided to just go for it and show up, hit the trail and have a good time. Walked out to my truck to leave and had a fricking flat tire :mad: Took it to get it plugged and had to wait an hour for the shop to do it (i only use rubber band...
  10. hoxviii

    Scoutabout! This is for you

    Crazy, I thought that the diesel scouts were all 4 bangers- didn't realize they used the nissan six. Justin
  11. hoxviii

    Middle Canyon - Butterfield Canyon Info...

    Oops, yeah, 6400W. Like i said, you got me going the right direction, I just had to figure the the bits out. Justin
  12. hoxviii

    Middle Canyon - Butterfield Canyon Info...

    Anyway, i worked my way out there today after work and it is pretty darn impressive up there. Only thing was, the directions given were iffy at best since 7800S T's into 6400 E, the whole time i was looking i never saw an actual 8400W. Oh well, i made it :D Regardless, from there I just...
  13. hoxviii

    Summit Machine June '08 Run - AF Canyon, Forest Lake

    This is why I have resolve: :eek2: Previous truck Good side: Bad side: Started as: Justin
  14. hoxviii

    Summit Machine June '08 Run - AF Canyon, Forest Lake

    So am I :p My last truck I didn't care about body damage. This one I do. However, my primary reservation is that I don't have any front recovery points and have a land anchor of a receiver hitch. I'd rather ride along until I have the truck what i'd consider wheelable, which involves front...
  15. hoxviii

    Summit Machine June '08 Run - AF Canyon, Forest Lake

    Anyone with an extra seat up for a ride along? See this is as as good of a time as any to stop lurking, but if someone that has run these trails before is scared about width with an F-series, then I'm going to watch him run it first and see how clean everything comes out ;) I'm good for...