Head shaving party this Friday


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I'm glad to see which list I'm on. Don't know how a bald head would go over at work. I just may stop by to see the fun. I'll have to leave Chicky at home, considering the list she's on. -_-


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
RockMonkey said:
I'm glad to see which list I'm on. Don't know how a bald head would go over at work. I just may stop by to see the fun. I'll have to leave Chicky at home, considering the list she's on. -_-
Don't be afraid about the bald head at work..it will be ok.

P.S....it is safe to bring the wifey...she has been moved to the fraidy-cat list. :D


Sacramento, CA
Greg's Hair Stylist

Greg said:
I do need another shave... but I probably won't get a scalp/shoulder massage & some bottled water, huh? Guess I'll just stick with my regular hair-cutter-person, she rocks!

(Anyhow, theres no way I'd let Bryson giving me any kind of massage... :ugh: )

Man do I miss those scalp, neck and shoulder massages! :D Oh, yeah and the free bottle of water. ;)


total tacoma points: 162
come on you panzies, its just hair. whats the worst that could happen?

cold scalp? put on a hat. :greg:

people laugh? :rofl: flip em off.

your hair dosnt grow back? mine grows back faster than i want it to.

if i wasnt working, i would be the first one there. it is time ti get your "CLIP" on.


Cedar Hills
Who got the "wild hair" to start this madness?? Mbryson is 1/2 way there so where's the sport in that? I might have to go on the "too scared" list...


Resident Thread Killer
Herzog said:
I'll show up, but I really want to keep what I have left of my hair. I'm in denial. :D

CD Genes... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Bryson, you kill me. :rofl:

Let it go, man. Just free yourself. ;)

Muleskinner's wife cut my hair hair for years, and finally got me to shave it. I honestly can say that I haven't thought about or been self-conscious of my baldness since.


Stop the MADNESS
Bryson, if I can get up that way I am in. I was trying to grow out the curly locks though, my wife likes them more then the CD. Oh well what you do for another brother huh.


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
Cody said:
hmmm, me thinks not. you think my head looks big now, you wouldn't believe how big it looks without hair :D
Don't worry cupcake...we already had you on the "you look like a wuss, so we'll assume that you are" list. :p

Everyone else who is down for the shearing...show up at the shop around 5:00 on Friday. :D