Political So now what

Political discussions within


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
For those scratching their heads about the strong reaction against bud light’s seemingly minor outreach to the trans community, I see it as mirroring the shocking rise of Donald Trump. His personal character is widely acknowledged to be terrible, he’s not that well versed on world matters, he doesn’t have deep and well informed political philosophies, he’s abrasive and looks like a clown. And yet, he shot to the top of politics, managed to b-slap an entire political party, and appears to be immune to anything that would traditionally doom anyone else in politics.

Why? Turns out, he (inadvertently?) tapped into a massive underlying resentment from a huge swath of the population. They were sick of being looked down on, dismissed, insulted, and lectured by elites who represent an America that looks nothing like what they’ve known or want in any way. So he became the channel of their dissatisfaction. Which is too bad because he’s terrible, but nobody else seemed to be able or willing to call out the insanity or do anything about it.

So Trump’s popularity (for the most part) was less about supporting him particularly, but was a way of voicing disdain for the direction of the country and the political correctness that was aiding and abetting the downward slide.

Similarly, Bud Light became the unlucky channel of a similar resentment. It’s not about one can with one person’s face. They just stepped on a land mine a long time in the making.
Nailed it. And people are still fed up with it.....especially with the corrupt underbelly that has been shown the last 3 years.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I don't know if he deserved it, but sometimes if you **** around (try it) you find out (in a small town).


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Cruel Summer being that high in the charts was an anomaly anyways. That song was released 4 years ago!

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I probably sound like I'm defending him, he shouldn't have posted the threats and pointed the gun at them. (assuming we are getting the real story) If this was a lib/antifa punk and they said what he said and then pointed a gun at cops, I'd think he was planning on carrying out what he said he would do, I'd think he was telling the truth. So, if this guy got shot I see it.

However, If someone pounded on my door at 6 in the morning I'd most likely be at the door with a pistol to see what they want. If my front window was bashed in and I was in my undies, groggy and freaked out, I'd have a pistol when I went into the living room. So I'd hope I wouldn't get shot in that instance. Now, pair that with tons of threats maybe I should expect to but I still think they should have just apprehended him when he was using his walker to get into the car to go to church or that store or whatever. He would still be alive, this wasn't an immediate threat.

It stinks to me.


somewhat damaged
I probably sound like I'm defending him, he shouldn't have posted the threats and pointed the gun at them. (assuming we are getting the real story) If this was a lib/antifa punk and they said what he said and then pointed a gun at cops, I'd think he was planning on carrying out what he said he would do, I'd think he was telling the truth. So, if this guy got shot I see it.

However, If someone pounded on my door at 6 in the morning I'd most likely be at the door with a pistol to see what they want. If my front window was bashed in and I was in my undies, groggy and freaked out, I'd have a pistol when I went into the living room. So I'd hope I wouldn't get shot in that instance. Now, pair that with tons of threats maybe I should expect to but I still think they should have just apprehended him when he was using his walker to get into the car to go to church or that store or whatever. He would still be alive, this wasn't an immediate threat.

It stinks to me.
Yea, apparently no knock raids are OK as long as you're not a democrat.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Yea, apparently no knock raids are OK as long as you're not a democrat.
Is yelling through a megaphone from the street a no knock raid? It's not like they came in like ninjas, the entire neighborhood heard them asking him to come outside. He refused, so the knock at that point seems like a silly technicality to hang an argument on.

I also get what you're saying, and the protests turned into riots in many places is lame and often caused by people who are just itchen for a chance to cause havoc (politics aside) but I think the difference between a guy who has made violent threats, who has refused to comply, and has a gun pointed at your face and a massive group of people destroying property is fairly significant. Also, they tend to take the president's safety reasonably seriously.

None of us were there, so I guess it comes down to which narrative you choose to believe. It's sad that it had to end the way it did, regardless of how the events unfolded. I'd let people come bash in my windows and tip my truck over if it would bring the guy back to life, even if he did seem like a complete asshole.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Not to change the subject too far off but I'm hoping you (@Cody) might find this interesting too...
Real space lasers! I'm just not sure it's the Jews controlling them or not, as you say:

Start at 2:04:11

I don't think I've ever doubted the existence of lasers from space, more so the believability that Jewish controlled Italian military owned space lasers were reprogramming ballot counting machines in favor of Biden.

I honestly made up all the stuff about how they were being directed towards our atmosphere to control the weather patterns. Just to be sure since some people believe everything they read on the internet. (or did I?).
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Who Dares Wins
I don't think I've ever doubted the existence of lasers from space, more so the believability that Jewish controlled Italian military owned space lasers were reprogramming ballet counting machines in favor of Biden.

I honestly made up all the stuff about how they were being directed towards our atmosphere to control the weather patterns. Just to be sure since some people believe everything they read on the internet. (or did I?).
I'm curious about the ballet counting machine. Does it count the number of dancers? Or does it tally Chaînés and En croix? And are we now saying that the manipulation of the ballet counting machine caused the countries ballet companies to switch their votes to Biden, thus handing him the election?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'm curious about the ballet counting machine. Does it count the number of dancers? Or does it tally Chaînés and En croix? And are we now saying that the manipulation of the ballet counting machine caused the countries ballet companies to switch their votes to Biden, thus handing him the election?
ha ha typo, but now that you mention it, I suspect it's being used to gay up America. Have we looked into this?


Smooth Gang Founding Member

What does everyone thing about age limits for politicians? I realize I'm on the young end of this conversation (40), hence the ask.

I personally think if you're over retirement age (let's say 66) you probably shouldn't be serving. While I've met some people in their early 70's that seem quite sharp they still fall asleep if they've been sitting too long. What a weird position we're in...

PS if you read the comments there's a guy in there that says "Biden seems very articulate, capable and most important, sane." I can't believe anyone could ever think that.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah

What does everyone thing about age limits for politicians? I realize I'm on the young end of this conversation (40), hence the ask.

I personally think if you're over retirement age (let's say 66) you probably shouldn't be serving. While I've met some people in their early 70's that seem quite sharp they still fall asleep if they've been sitting too long. What a weird position we're in...

PS if you read the comments there's a guy in there that says "Biden seems very articulate, capable and most important, sane." I can't believe anyone could ever think that.
If retirement age is 72 for social security, I think it is reasonable to put a retirement age on politicians that reflects that.


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT

What does everyone thing about age limits for politicians? I realize I'm on the young end of this conversation (40), hence the ask.

I personally think if you're over retirement age (let's say 66) you probably shouldn't be serving. While I've met some people in their early 70's that seem quite sharp they still fall asleep if they've been sitting too long. What a weird position we're in...

PS if you read the comments there's a guy in there that says "Biden seems very articulate, capable and most important, sane." I can't believe anyone could ever think that.

I am not a doctor, but it sure looks like Vasovagal Syncope, I've seen in others.


Threat Level Midnight

What does everyone thing about age limits for politicians? I realize I'm on the young end of this conversation (40), hence the ask.

I personally think if you're over retirement age (let's say 66) you probably shouldn't be serving. While I've met some people in their early 70's that seem quite sharp they still fall asleep if they've been sitting too long. What a weird position we're in...

PS if you read the comments there's a guy in there that says "Biden seems very articulate, capable and most important, sane." I can't believe anyone could ever think that.
For significant federal office, I think above 70 there should be rigorous annual mental evaluations, reviewed by a committee of experts, with results publicly available. Old drivers should be held to something similar.

I also think term limits of 18 years max, with the ability to run for ANY re-election contingent on a balanced budget. If you don’t balance the budget, you’ve failed the office, and are barred from public service.

When I run things it’s all going to get fixed.