Political So now what

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Well-Known Member
Grantsville, Ut
While I do think the adage "we have more in common than not" is true. The things that we don't agree on, are very big things. For example, gun control, abortion, religious freedom, free college, free healthcare, immigration, etc. Those are all things where a middle ground is either difficult to have, or nonexistent.
I read a pair of essays last year that really hit this aspect well. The first from a woman born and raised in LA then moved to small town middle America. The second from a man raised in a small conservative town who moved to a large liberal city for work. To her the biggest takeaway was that the 2A fight would never be solved because the more liberal gun control folks just simply dont understand the importance the issue holds for 2A supporters. His biggest takeaway was that people living in smaller towns (or places without a huge homeless problem) would never understand what a huge issue it was is places like LA. Both came to understand that the differences are not good vs bad, just views of different people in different situations.

I totally agree that Trump is not the cause, simply a product, and that can be said for many politicians in our system. I wont even deny that he has made a lot of progress and done some good, not just for America but other countries as well. The issue is that his rhetoric is dangerous and blinding to some folks that are angry and upset at our whole system. My 16 year old told me a few days ago that all of the people who rioted in DC were actually antifa because Republicans would never do that and Trump would never support that. We cant be blind to the bad simply because of some good that has been done. Compromise and bipartisanship must be returned to our country


But stuck more often.
A couple interesting things popped up in the news in the last day or so. Trump mentioned something about possibly starting his own social media platform. While I don't care so much and wouldn't join ( I don't do SM other than forums) I do think it would be interesting to see what comes of it.

The other, more interesting, thing he mentioned, or hinted about, is possibly creating his own political party. I'm a huge fan of having a third party that has the potential to be big like the other two. It's likely that it would just split the republican party, but it could also help build up the other smaller parties. I'd like to see 3, 4, or 5 candidates in the primary debates. Not just 2.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
A couple interesting things popped up in the news in the last day or so. Trump mentioned something about possibly starting his own social media platform. While I don't care so much and wouldn't join ( I don't do SM other than forums) I do think it would be interesting to see what comes of it.

The other, more interesting, thing he mentioned, or hinted about, is possibly creating his own political party. I'm a huge fan of having a third party that has the potential to be big like the other two. It's likely that it would just split the republican party, but it could also help build up the other smaller parties. I'd like to see 3, 4, or 5 candidates in the primary debates. Not just 2.
More parties would be good, as long as they can hang with the big two in terms of support and "credibility". I have no idea how we get there, but I would like to see it.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
More parties would be good, as long as they can hang with the big two in terms of support and "credibility". I have no idea how we get there, but I would like to see it.
I don't think any other parties will be able to make an honest (or dishonest) go of it until outside money can be taken out of the equation. The funding that big two get from private interests groups and businesses is too much for a less funded 3rd party to ever overcome. There just isn't a road for them to drive on in this system.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.


Well-Known Member
I don't think any other parties will be able to make an honest (or dishonest) go of it until outside money can be taken out of the equation. The funding that big two get from private interests groups and businesses is too much for a less funded 3rd party to ever overcome. There just isn't a road for them to drive on in this system.
It is sad that we even need to think about some type of "salary cap" for an election
Unfortunately until corporations are not allowed to buy candidates then no election will be fair and honest IMO

Also I want to know what the hell happened to the CCP list that was leaked, though I don't think we will ever see much from it since the CCP owns many people high up in MSM. Does anyone else find it odd that there are a bunch 100+ CCP members in AstraZeneca and Pfizer? I have only seen bits and pieces of the list here and there, and the main source is paywalled and has not released all of the data.


But stuck more often.
Honestly, I have no idea why big money matters in an election. The only thing I can thing of is paid advertising spots on tv and radio. That’s kind of old school these days isn’t it? Now maybe it does take big money starting off to get the word out. After that SM and YouTube take over. Trump could be the big money to start a new platform but I’d think his successors could carry on rather “cheaply”. Especially if the new party did equal the other two.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Weren't there they trying to push life in prison for one of the blm protestor that through red paint on the DA building? I remember that going away but don't recall the entire story


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
First step is to destroy anybody or anything that protects your rights they do not agree with.

I'm pretty tired of all of it but this will motivate me. My line is gun control. Gun control is absolutely not about saving lives. The numbers are very clear and very easy to find. There are 5 million people who bought their first gun this year after realizing that the police cannot and will not protect you during civil unrest. I hope they all stand up to this and refuse to comply.


Who Dares Wins
Can you give an example of a right wing conservative dictator? I may be totally living in my bias, but I can't think of any.
Pinochet, Mubarak, Videla, Franco, Novo, Hitler, Mussolini.
It can be argued that fascism and communism have more in common than not, and that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and Novo were all socialists to some degree (ie. National Socialist Party aka Nazi Party), but it is generally accepted that fascisim is a "right-wing" phenomenon.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Pinochet, Mubarak, Videla, Franco, Novo, Hitler, Mussolini.
It can be argued that fascism and communism have more in common than not, and that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and Novo were all socialists to some degree (ie. National Socialist Party aka Nazi Party), but it is generally accepted that fascisim is a "right-wing" phenomenon.
Then we have a real identity crisis here. It seems now Facism and socialism are left wing.


Registered User
Pinochet, Mubarak, Videla, Franco, Novo, Hitler, Mussolini.
It can be argued that fascism and communism have more in common than not, and that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and Novo were all socialists to some degree (ie. National Socialist Party aka Nazi Party), but it is generally accepted that fascisim is a "right-wing" phenomenon.

Thank you for saving me the time of posting! Accurate list.

Then we have a real identity crisis here. It seems now Facism and socialism are left wing.

Fascism is certain not left wing. Even the GOP boogeyman of "ANTIFA" (antifascists) are considered 'far left extremists'.
The only reason fascism or other dictators noted would not considered right wing is if it is the far right that is trying define them and they want distance.

Fascism - Wikipedia
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I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Pinochet, Mubarak, Videla, Franco, Novo, Hitler, Mussolini.
It can be argued that fascism and communism have more in common than not, and that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and Novo were all socialists to some degree (ie. National Socialist Party aka Nazi Party), but it is generally accepted that fascisim is a "right-wing" phenomenon.
I'd say the right wing of American politics for at least the last 30 years is very much anti socialism and anti fascism. If that is the case, the term right wing may be used for both but they are not the same. Kind of like the Democratic party's flip from being pro segregation to being pro minority.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Thank you for saving me the time of posting! Accurate list.

Fascism is certain not left wing. Even the GOP boogeyman of "ANTIFA" (antifascists) are considered 'far left extremists'.
The only reason fascism or other dictators noted would not considered right wing is if it is the far right that is trying define them and they want distance.

Fascism - Wikipedia
Who is calling for free speech to be restricted? Who is trying to silence people on college campuses? Certainly not the right wing. At least not for the last 15 years. Silencing your opponents is as fascist an act as I can think of.