

Wandering the desert
There will be a big announcement at noon. The U was supposed to announce stuff at 9 am and then pushed to 10 am then pushed to noon for a bigger announcement that rumor has it be closing schools in the state. We shall see what happens at noon.

Yep. We've been having meetings all morning in IT here at Snow to get ready for this and to make a plan to somehow keep everything running remotely, from classes to administration, to financial, to registration to, well all of it. I was just told that I have to be in the conference room for the announcement from the Governor and then we get to have another meeting. Fourth of the day already. We'll see how things turn out soon I guess.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Anybody else hoping the housing market takes a hit? I'd love to get a new house at a discount and rent out my current house...

Also my sister was on the way to Paris when the news hit last night. She's on her way back home now. I bet she's having a great time.


Well-Known Member
In light of the TP shortage, I have made the commitment to make sure I only go #2 while on the clock at work. Figure it's my way of not freaking out about the whole situation by making a mad rush to costco like everybody else is doing.


Well-Known Member
Anybody else hoping the housing market takes a hit? I'd love to get a new house at a discount and rent out my current house...

Also my sister was on the way to Paris when the news hit last night. She's on her way back home now. I bet she's having a great time.

This her?



Smooth Gang Founding Member


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
City Creek Center is currently closed
Out of an abundance of caution, City Creek Center is closing today, effective immediately. We learned a shopper, confirmed to have COVID-19, was in the center on March 10. To help ensure the safety of customers and employees, the center’s common areas will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected today. It is anticipated that the center will reopen for business tomorrow. City Creek offices and residences will remain open.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Is anyone else completely miffed about the NBA moth-balling the rest of the season? $8B annual revenue is cancelled at the drop of a hat? Either this flu is truly something much worse and nobody is fessing up about it, or there's something else going on... The puzzle pieces don't fit together for me. March Madness continues with empty arenas, yet the $8B NBA slams the door without hesitation.

I think the difference is that the players have confirmed cases of it, and those players have played other players in the last 4 days, and those players have played other players since then and so on and so on. It becomes irresponsible to allow several hundred people that have been in direct contact with the virus to keep traveling around and performing in front of even dozens of people (scorekeepers, refs, security, janitors etc). No NCAA player, ref, coach etc has yet to have a confirmed case.

We had a meeting this morning and went over increased sanitation practices for staff and the bar/restaurant. I have 10 gallons of 70% isopropyl, and we have lots of bleach and other chemicals floating around, so it's not hard for us to double down on all of those practices. I think we'll have to go to dinner shift only after St Patrick's day (if not sooner). We have had 1 customer so far today.


Well-Known Member
Small world. Most of my co-workers are in OKC. A few of them went to the game last night. One of them, Donovan Mitchell was sitting in his courtside seat when he got there.

So, I know someone who sort of had contact with a confirmed case.

And he went in to the office today... with about 250 other people.

Got a feeling we're all going to be working from home soon. I'm going to tomorrow anyway just because I can.



Well-Known Member
I’ve been getting hit up like Crazy On LinkedIn with Chinese companies trying to find people in the USA to manage sales for them. Some serious money being offered too but I feel like as soon as travel opens back up they will just terminate the positions.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Do you guys think this is going to get to the point where people in the States are being told to stay home and not spend time out & about? Obviously jobs are going to be effected and those that have the option may be able to work from home. I'm not trying to fuel the panic, but wondering if anyone else is thinking about preparing for the possibility of spending a few weeks at home.

We're taking inventory of what food we have on hand, plenty of rice & beans, some canned stuff. Think we'll be adding flour, pasta, freezing a bunch of chicken, etc. Personally, I'm not too worried about water... or TP.


Formerly Beardy McGee
We were ready 2wks ago because I just knew that people would make a run on stores.. I saw this panic buying coming. But ya, I'm good for at least a month.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Do you guys think this is going to get to the point where people in the States are being told to stay home and not spend time out & about?

IMO it's likely enough that it'd be smart to have a month or so of supplies in the pantry. You'll almost certainly be asked to self-quarantine if you test positive, and if it gets bad they may just tell everybody to stay home. Or maybe the school closures and such will work and the virus won't become widespread? Hard to say.

We already had a semi-decent food supply, but right about the time I started this thread is when I started throwing a little extra in the cart each time I went to the store. Canned goods, frozen stuff, oats/pasta/beans/rice, we've got a bunch of wheat and a grinder if the flour runs out. Some dehydrated stuff, mostly fruits and such, a bunch of dehydrated milk, I think we'd be comfortable for at least a month and could stretch it out to several months in a pinch. I've also got a bunch of Mountainhouse and other freezedried backpacking stuff in case we have to head for the desert. I topped off the gas cans and filled my propane bottles too. I'm pretty sure those won't be necessary, but I feel better having done it.


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
So update. My fiance got to Paris yesterday around 8 AM. While waiting for their flight to Vienna they walked around Paris a bit, saw the Mona Lisa and other art. They got to Vienna around 6 PM our time, and by the time they got to their apartment, the entire city was shut down. Schools, museums, bars, restaurants, everything. I asked her if they were thinking of coming home, but at that time it was ~2 AM their time so she went to bed. In that time, Trump announced the border closure effective Friday, so I sent her a message that when you wake up, please work on getting out of the country and working your way back. Some probable panic, and worry later, they got to London this morning at 7:11 AM our time, and they are booked to leave in the morning their time (they are sleeping now, and will be heading to the airport when they wake up) but should be back state side in San Fran ~8 AM, and back in Utah around 10 AM. So that is good news. I have no idea if they will have to be screened or not when they arrive in California.

....Sorry that was probably more confusing than it needed to be, but yeah...


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
We are REALLY limited in what we can store in our rental house. We should be fine as we've prepared as much as we can but it'll be nice to get into our own place again where we can plan for these types of things a little better. Gives me good perspective on people that do rent and how it's kind of difficult to prepare if you don't "own" your own space.