TRUMP: Whats the real deal?

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Registered User
Salt Lake City


somewhat damaged
They are sealed documents..... not always indictments.

I looked through that list...... you can't read shit on it. .... the is NO WAY to tell if they are actually indictments or not.

You can choose to believe they are forming a storm. I believe people are making it into fit what they want to believe.

Sure is a lot of articles trying to debunk a fake larp like Q, don't ya think. I wonder why that is?


Registered User
Salt Lake City
Sure is a lot of articles trying to debunk a fake larp like Q, don't ya think. I wonder why that is?

Lol. I guess it's the old "If they're trying to disprove it, it must because it's true"

I can't say how "conspiracy theory" some of those things are....but given enough theories, some are bound to be true.

You guys can believe that trump is somehow this magic, amazing legal mind, that Somehow was able to create all these secret indictments on this supposed "deep state" and that he is somehow "draining the swamp" while ignoring his transgressions aand possible shady business dealings (note I didn't say illegal).

I just can't believe that trump is somehow this good at finding this much dirt on people and keep it secret. He would have been tweeting about this from day one with specifics because that's the kind of buffoon he is


somewhat damaged
Lol. I guess it's the old "If they're trying to disprove it, it must because it's true"

I can't say how "conspiracy theory" some of those things are....but given enough theories, some are bound to be true.

You guys can believe that trump is somehow this magic, amazing legal mind, that Somehow was able to create all these secret indictments on this supposed "deep state" and that he is somehow "draining the swamp" while ignoring his transgressions aand possible shady business dealings (note I didn't say illegal).

I just can't believe that trump is somehow this good at finding this much dirt on people and keep it secret. He would have been tweeting about this from day one with specifics because that's the kind of buffoon he is

You missed it. It’s not Trump, it’s alliances within the govt & military that are doing this. He’s the decoy, and yes he has a big role it in. His role is negotiating the economy back to health. I’d say he’s doing a damn fine job of that too :)


El Destructo!
Also, I'd just like to point out that net immigration between the US and Mexico between 2014-2017 was actually negative (Mexican immigrant population estimate fell from 11.6 to 11.3 million--300,000 more Mexican immigrants returned to Mexico than came here during that time). I don't really watch the news, but has anybody touched on that?

I would be curious to read your source. I have seen similar claims before and they have usually boiled down to the way a specific .gov agency defines the term "immigrant".

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
These claims of 60k+ indictments are just a bunch of crap. I don't think a storm is coming for either side. To me it's nothing more than conspiracy theories with nothing to REALLY bacck it up.

Sealed court documents =/ sealed indictements

Sorry, I wasn't referring to the indictments or any particular plans for a blue wave or a red wave or whatever. I just mean there's too much tension and too much disinformation and too much distance between the haves and the have-nots and too many people content to pick a side and get spoonfed their propoganda of choice, and if something doesn't get done to correct those things, something else is gonna snap and shit's gonna go down. Trump and Clinton and Russia and BLM and the gun control push and everything else that's going on aren't the problem, they're symptoms. Symptoms of something much bigger.

I don't know what shape it's going to take, but we're too far out of whack, there's too much power concentrated in too few hands and those hands are working hard to concentrate it farther. It's not a tenable situation. There's a Big Reset coming. It could be an economic crash, it could be a Constitutional Convention, it could be World War Three, it could be riots and a fallen US government or it could be open rebellion. It could be in the next five years or it could be fifty years out. Dunno. But it's coming.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
When Democrats want to infringe the 2nd Amendment or any other part of the Constitution I am against it. For that reason I believe Trump's "bumpstock" executive order is unconstitutional ( only Congress can do this) and also total garbage. It does not fit the definition of an automatic weapon under the law he is citing. I like most of what he's doing, but let's call it what it is on either side when a president tries to use executive order to infringe on Constitutional rights.

On the funding/wall deal, I think he called off the wall funding to put the pressure back on the Senators, then they couldn't go home and say, The President made me do it" He'll end up getting more than anyone dreamed out of this.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Funding the wall has nothing to do with funding the existing obligations of government. The Republicans control the House and the Senate. If the government shuts down and leaves its employees without paychecks through the Christmas holidays, it's squarely on the Republicans backs.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Whether you like him or not you cannot ignore that he has upset the apple cart pretty badly and he is hated in Washington by both sides. Career DC people do not like the fact that he is exposing what really runs this country. I will put my tinfoil hat on here for a second and say that I believe our intelligence agencies have more power in this country than any other entity. If you look at the revolving door of who is in charge and their connections to questionable actions and decisions, it makes you scratch your head. With all the data gathering that the NSA does, you cannot ignore the fact that they have dirt on every single politician and person of importance in DC. How else can you explain why so many questionable things are ignored by so many people?

Lastly, does it seem odd that a person who played a central role in creating the "Trump Dossier", wrote an article in 2007 about Russian involvement in our political system and there is some familiar names in it that are relevant to the dossier?


Active Member
Salt Lake City
Lastly, does it seem odd that a person who played a central role in creating the "Trump Dossier", wrote an article in 2007 about Russian involvement in our political system and there is some familiar names in it that are relevant to the dossier?

Not really unless I'm missing something. Seems logical that a guy that previously researched and reported on connections between US politicians and Russians was hired to do more research and reporting on connections between US politicians and Russians. Also seems pretty logical that people involved with Russia back in 2007 were still involved with them in 2016.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Not really unless I'm missing something. Seems logical that a guy that previously researched and reported on connections between US politicians and Russians was hired to do more research and reporting on connections between US politicians and Russians. Also seems pretty logical that people involved with Russia back in 2007 were still involved with them in 2016.
My question was asked with full sarcasm


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Ding, ding! You don't fire up your xenophobic base if you say you want to help "others", though. That makes you a bleeding heart liberal!
99% of these people are trying to better their lives and the lives of their families. If you were in their situation, you'd probably want that too. And the reality is, they want to be here and they want to work. Are they stealing jobs? Not really. And the solution to that argument has nothing to do with the immigrants themselves, but rather the people employing them. As has been said before, if the employers where held accountable and forced to pay an actual wage, then "American's" would be willing to work these jobs again. But when you can get away with paying an illegal immigrant a fraction of what the work should "actually" cost, why wouldn't you?

A wall is pointless. What needs to happen is a comprehensive rewrite of our immigration laws and better enforcement of those laws.

I have liked every quote because they have been Civil. Representative Hurd R Texas put forth a bill on a reasonable proposal for immigration and the wall but it was shot down in the Senate. I will vote for President Trump again a lot of stuff I do not like but more political action I do like.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
For those that believe Russia, communism, socialism, secularism are new to this country I recommend you read NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON by John Stormer printed in 1964 when I was 34. Read it and check what has happened to the world since then and you realize nothing is new in today's world.
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